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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 12)


    “Don’t say that, Spence. We all just wanted to help you”


    I wonder if he knows the difference between the words help and hurt. Maybe the fact that they both have four letters confuses him. My mouth is begging to speak.


    “And you call sending me away to stop me from loving someone special….help?”


    “Spencer, I don’t want this life for you. I want to be able to walk you down the aisle one day.”


    Wait! It was my mistake. What heart? His heart is selfish. It doesn’t even consider my pain anymore. My family has broken my heart over and over again. No brother. No brother. No father. No mother. Do they have no sympathy? Do they have any love left? Don’t they see how much I need my love?

    “You know, Spence. Ashley has been calling here every 5 minutes. Since you’ve gotten home mostly. Your mother has unplugged the phone.”

    Don’t worry, my tears are for love.

    “Why are you doing this to me?! You can’t change my love for her.  You can’t! And you can’t change hers for me. Why even tell me this and then not let me talk to her?! Why?!”


    “Spencer, Why do you love her? Where did this come from? Help me to understand this.”


    My heart was exhausted.


    “Dad, I just simply love her. Our love is real. Neither you nor mom can end it. Once you realize that then everything will be okay.”


    Don’t worry, my tears are for love, for our love. I could tell that my dad hated to see me this way. But then why doesn’t he do something? I decided to walk downstairs to go outside to the back porch. Paula felt the front bench was too easily accessible for me to run. I hate her. Her heart is not with us. I needed to step away from my obsession. I could only take so much. I know I don’t sound like myself. I’ve lost my urge for rhyme and reason. I lost my desire. No, it’s not freedom. It remains captivity. I wonder if my parents know that I can hear them arguing out here.


    “Paula, look at her. I’ve never seen her so depressed. I was being selfish wanting her to change. This was just as much of a shock to me as it was for you. It’s why I agreed to send her to Normal Path in the first place”

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    1. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    2. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    3. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    4. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    5. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

    6. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    7. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    8. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    9. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    10. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

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