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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 12)


    “But, Arthur, we can’t condone this. Something is wrong with this behavior. I mean remember she hit me in the eye for this girl!”


    “Well you did try to grab her. Paula, I just can’t stand it anymore . I can’t! With Ashley calling every second that she can, it’s obvious that they are desperate to see each other. They’d do almost anything.”


    “What are you saying? That we should let them be together just like that.”


    “…Yeah…look at her eyes. Darkened and reddened from crying for several days. Why didn’t you tell us what she looked like when you 1st visited her there?”


    “I didn’t think—”


    “Exactly! No more of this, Paula, no more.”


    Don’t worry my tears are for love. I am holding on to you Ashley. I will never let you go. I wish you could hear me. I wish. My mouth is taunting me for saying that out loud.


    “I will never let you go either”


    Wait! What was that? Did I say that twice? Am I really crazy?


    “No, it’s me.”


    “Oh my god! Ashley”

    I watched her run towards me in disbelief. She had been again watching me in secret. Waiting for the perfect moment. Her own desperate heart led her here. Her heart is so genuine. She was just as beautiful as the day that our eyes met. I wonder if she knows how good she feels in my arms. Her lips. Her lips are on mine. My hands and body are all over her.


    —–kissing without thoughts——-


    “Baby. I couldn’t stand it. They wouldn’t let me talk to you. I had to see you, Spencer. I just had to —”


    My lips. My lips are on hers again. Her heart is so genuine. So melt me genuine. Staring into her eyes I felt so free. I felt nothing binding. I felt no captivity. Her love had set me free no matter the circumstances. I no longer cared about correcting my obsession for her. I truly was obsessed with her love. I had to have it and she was obsessed with giving it to me. Our kiss was so intense. I had completely forgotten that we were likely in complete view of my parents from inside. They could definitely see our sparkle from here if they would just look. Ashley broke the kiss. Her eyes, her lips, her heart are towards me again. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her.

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    1. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    2. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    3. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    4. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    5. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

    6. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    7. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    8. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    9. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    10. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

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