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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 12)

    “I love you so much Ashley”

    “Loving you more, Spencer.  Loving you more.”


    Don’t worry, our tears are for love. My hands could not stop caressing her face, nor wiping her tears. We were tightly wrapped around each other.  As she buried her head into my neck, I saw my family. I hadn’t thought of them much until now. They had been watching us the entire time. My brother. My brother. My father. My mother. I could see my father holding Paula back.


    “Come with me Spencer. I can’t leave here again without you.”


    “I can‘t, Ashley. I can’t. I’ve got to face my family.”


    I wonder if my love knows that all her expressions are beautiful, even disappointment. My heart won’t let this last a second longer.


    “No..No.. my love. I have to face my family…with you….with you by my side”


    Her smile was so lovely to see. All her expressions are beautiful. It is my favorite. We love our favorites. We walked inside with our hands intertwined, of course, to talk to my family.


    “Everyone, this is Ashley.”


    My family stood still as if time had stopped.  I didn’t even have to remember.  They did that for me this time.


    “I want you all to know that nothing you say or do to me can stop me from loving her. You can send me away for years, and my love for her will not die. You can disown me, and my love for her will not die. Even if I was to die, yet and still you would know that my love for her lived on….. So I am going to Ashley’s now.  We want to spend some time together.  So what do you want to do? How much do you really love me? Is your love for me truly unconditional? Is it?"

    A silence fell over the room except for Ashley’s tears. I felt Ashley squeezing my hand the whole time. I already knew what that meant. She was standing by me. My family stood in utter shock at my words. It was the most that I had said in a long time. My words were strong and mature because I meant every last one of them. My mouth had well pleased my heart today.

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    1. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    2. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    3. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    4. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    5. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

    6. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    7. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    8. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    9. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    10. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

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