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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 12)

    Judging by him being the first to speak, I supposed that my words had reached my father’s heart in some way.


    “Spencer…Ashley….why don’t you two go. I’m so sorry we put you two through this.  I had no idea.  I had no idea, Spencer.  I’m so sorry.  So go….I want to have a nice long talk with the rest of the family. Okay?”


    Oddly enough, I could tell that my family didn’t know what to do. They really never truly knew how I felt about Ashley until now.

    “Okay, dad.”


    Running. Yes, our feet were. Smiling. Yes, our lips were. Happy. Yes, we both were. In love. Yes, never a doubt.




    I wonder if my love knows that I love the smell of orchids. Her heart is so genuine. Her bedroom was filled with beautiful orchids everywhere. They were so different. They were better than roses. They were so picked with love. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her.





    “We have to stop that now, you know”


    “Stop what?”


    “Our obsessive thoughts and talk…. We don’t need it anymore. We have each other.”


    “Even our favorites. Ashley you know how we feel about our favorites.”


    “Yes, even our favorites.”


    She had finally fully adjusted me. I closed the space between us just enough to still take in her beauty. My eyes had never seen a better sight. No longer did we need anything to help balance our minds and our obsessive thoughts. Our love had set us free.


    “Ashley, you are so beautiful”


    Stroking her face, Spencer stopped thinking. She let herself be naturally free to love Ashley anyway that she wanted to love her. She wiped another tear from Ashley’s face. Both girls knew that this moment was special.  Tonight had been so emotional.  It was a moment where nothing mattered. Their obsession for each other had been nothing more than true love.

    Spencer lay Ashley back on the bed kissing her passionately. Her body trembled as Spencer hands slid up her inner thighs. Her moans sweetly tickled Spencer’s ear causing all control to be lost. The heat spread through their bodies quickly and unevenly. They were hotter in the places that it counted the most. Clothes became a figment of their imaginations as they fell to the ground. Only their sparkle could shine through. Ashley’s incessant screams soothed Spencer’s heart with each stroke inside her. Her wetness was more than enough to set her mind free for good. She never felt so right. She never felt so good.

    Spencer, satisfied fully with Ashley, lay quietly on her stomach. Her sensations were rekindled as Ashley’s lips travel up the back of her thigh eliciting moans that filled the air. Spencer’s legs seem to spread on their own for her love. Ashley lay on her back between them waiting for her. Spencer lifted her center back to Ashley’s mouth. Throbbing even more as the heat from Ashley’s mouth dipped deep inside her. Ashley’s tongue slowly massaged her center with enough pressure to take complete control of Spencer. Holding her bucking hips, each stroke sent waves through every nerve in her body sending her cascading over the edge repeatedly. She never felt so right. She never felt so good. Their love making had been more intimate than they had experience ever before.  A love that lasted all night.  Holding each other into the night, they realized that it was true.  They were finally free.



    [That was the end.  I hope that you enjoyed it… I hope that you could see that love changes people.  It’s undeniable.  Actually when you think about it, love itself is a form of obsession.  A mental obsession.  Haven’t you noticed?  I have.  So it’s okay, be obsessed! Again, thanks for reading.  Don’t worry, my tears are for love….’til the next story….]


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    1. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    2. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    3. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    4. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    5. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

    6. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    7. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    8. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    9. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    10. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

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