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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 2)

    “Spencer, would you like to join us at our table? Aiden is really boring me with his jock stories. I could use the company.”


    The trumpets. Do you hear them too? I think that they play when she smiles and says beautiful words like ‘Spencer‘ or ‘company‘ or ‘join‘. Hell, I think they play when she says anything to me now. It sounds like the serenade of a princess. First she notices me in my secret spot and now she wants me by her side. I don’t know. Our relationship is moving so fast. I don’t want to appear like a slut or anything. I want her to respect me in the morning, you know. But who in this world can resist that smile and that heart. Not me, not uneventful me.

    “I…I.. don’t want to intrude.”


    Breathe Spencer. Swallow. Her eyes, her lips, and her heart are towards you. Stand tall! You can make it through this. You can make it!

    “No, I want to get to know you.”

    Screaming again inside! Finally, she has admitted it. She wants to know me. I knew that our love would grow quickly. She grabbed my hand. Our fingers are intertwined. My mind can’t keep up with my heart that is racing inside me. It just can‘t keep up. I will be lucky to make any coherent statements tonight at all outside of ’yes’ and ’no’.


    I knew that she was lovely, but this lovely? I knew that our hand contact would continue now that we are falling in love. And again, her hands have made the first move. They are still soft and this time they are warmer than before. I could smell her perfume as we moved through the crowd. It’s her favorite. It’s J Lo’s Glow After Dark. On her, it smells just like the ad says ‘wild, sexy, and breathless‘. I can tell she was trying to make Aiden notice her tonight, but of course, he failed miserably. I noticed. I know everything about you. I love you.

    “Everybody this is Spencer. Spencer this is my boyfriend, Aiden. And his friends, Scott and Jamal.”

    I waved to them all without saying a word. I was still unable to form many words as that she was still holding my hand.

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    1. holy damn. You did it again, Another stunningly amazing post. Keep up the good job and post more soon please. I’m beginning to get an addiction to your work,.

    2. holy damn. You did it again, Another stunningly amazing post. Keep up the good job and post more soon please. I’m beginning to get an addiction to your work,.

    3. i’m going to have to have more of this right now! seriously…this whole stalker type thing is quite interesting…what oh what could ashley’s secret be? well you are just going to have to write more…right now…so that i can know. please? :)

    4. i’m going to have to have more of this right now! seriously…this whole stalker type thing is quite interesting…what oh what could ashley’s secret be? well you are just going to have to write more…right now…so that i can know. please? :)

    5. LOL. Dude, I “hand dated” a girl once. Ashley Stice…sophomore year of HS. I was definitely the proper stalker, and had many a Spencer monologue rambling in my head, but it was to humor my overtly fantastical imagination…unfortunately, I think your Spence is a bit whacko. Which totally kicks proper ass.I like Ash’s, “see you tomorrow for the walk-by.” Cute. Ashley is gonna get dirty; I can feel it. She’s the bored girlfriend who follows the rules at skool, but likes to sport the whip cream and a pickle during “naughty time.” Or, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

    6. LOL. Dude, I “hand dated” a girl once. Ashley Stice…sophomore year of HS. I was definitely the proper stalker, and had many a Spencer monologue rambling in my head, but it was to humor my overtly fantastical imagination…unfortunately, I think your Spence is a bit whacko. Which totally kicks proper ass.I like Ash’s, “see you tomorrow for the walk-by.” Cute. Ashley is gonna get dirty; I can feel it. She’s the bored girlfriend who follows the rules at skool, but likes to sport the whip cream and a pickle during “naughty time.” Or, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

    7. lol I like this almost star-struck/stalker kind of Spencer,and I think i speak for most when i say we wanna know Ashley’s secret haha thanks for the post pms!!!

    8. lol I like this almost star-struck/stalker kind of Spencer,and I think i speak for most when i say we wanna know Ashley’s secret haha thanks for the post pms!!!

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