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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 2)

    “Spencer, come here. Sit next to me.”

    ‘Come here’ repeated over and over in my head. I know that I won’t be able to sleep very well tonight as I replay that phrase in my mind. I sat next to her smiling back at her smile. Looking intently in her eyes. I wonder if she can see my love for her in them. We were so close that our thighs were touching. Every hair on my body was standing on end and surely she had to notice my goose bumps. I could feel the heat slowly spreading through me. Aiden and his friends had continued to talk completely ignoring us. I suddenly, even more so, knew how she felt with him. He was cold and unfeeling and she was not. I still hate him. Why is he so blinded?

    “So Spencer, are you having fun here tonight?”


    See what I mean. Nothing coherent. I almost closed my eyes when I felt her breath hit my skin. It was so light with a hint of cranberry. I should probably close my eyes for a minute because those lips are still calling me.

    “You are not much of a talker, are you?”


    At least she’s still smiling when she asked me that.


    I must get it together. If she hadn’t scooted a little closer to me when she said that, I may have been able to give her a full sentence.


    “Okay, I see that I am going to have to start our conversation another way.”


    She’s so into me now. She wants to adjust me so that she can have me her way. I have no problem with that. She can do with me what she wills.

    “You know after I ran into you yesterday. I remembered how I know you. You walk pass me every day, don’t you?”

    Damn it, busted!

    “I remember when you first did it. I always noticed how beautiful your blue eyes were”

    Screaming inside! Oh my god! She was really on the dates with me. Was this planned? When she would look back at me as I passed by, was she waiting for me? Was she looking forward to our eye contact date? I had to know. I had to know everything about her. Even though I was melting away in her presence, I decided to speak.

    “You noticed me? I would have never expected that.”


    “Why not Spencer? You are a beautiful girl. I notice you watching me all the time.”


    Dying inside! No paramedics in sight.


    “I always see you at your corner seat, last one on the left, at the bar or when I am hugging Aiden or you know … other places”


    I thought that I was discreet in my inquiries. Was she obsessed with me? Or I her? Wait, I’m not obsessed. I am in love, but what does that make her? We are only hand dating at this point, right?

    “I…I… don’t know what to say. Maybe we just have a lot in common and are in the same places a lot.”


    I hope she believes that one.

    “See, I knew I could get you to talk a little more. Don’t worry Spencer, it’s okay. I have a secret too.”

    What! She has a secret. This is too much. I am gaining too much information too fast. I miss my daily dosage of her. I am going to overdose. Although I hate him, I am grateful that Aiden interrupted us.

    “Ash, come on… let’s go. This place is starting to get tired and boring.”


    This is a first for me. I can’t read her. I don’t know her next move. It’s so off her normal routine talking to me. What is she thinking? What is her secret? I feel this awkward strain. I don’t know everything about her. I have to fill this void.

    “I’m sorry, Spencer. I’ve got to go. See you tomorrow for the walk by.”


    Exposure like this should never occur. I watched her leave with Aiden and look back at me and smile. I could still smell her scent around me. I could still feel her hand on my hand. Her warmth was still with me. I sat in that seat for the next hour.





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    1. holy damn. You did it again, Another stunningly amazing post. Keep up the good job and post more soon please. I’m beginning to get an addiction to your work,.

    2. holy damn. You did it again, Another stunningly amazing post. Keep up the good job and post more soon please. I’m beginning to get an addiction to your work,.

    3. i’m going to have to have more of this right now! seriously…this whole stalker type thing is quite interesting…what oh what could ashley’s secret be? well you are just going to have to write more…right now…so that i can know. please? :)

    4. i’m going to have to have more of this right now! seriously…this whole stalker type thing is quite interesting…what oh what could ashley’s secret be? well you are just going to have to write more…right now…so that i can know. please? :)

    5. LOL. Dude, I “hand dated” a girl once. Ashley Stice…sophomore year of HS. I was definitely the proper stalker, and had many a Spencer monologue rambling in my head, but it was to humor my overtly fantastical imagination…unfortunately, I think your Spence is a bit whacko. Which totally kicks proper ass.I like Ash’s, “see you tomorrow for the walk-by.” Cute. Ashley is gonna get dirty; I can feel it. She’s the bored girlfriend who follows the rules at skool, but likes to sport the whip cream and a pickle during “naughty time.” Or, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

    6. LOL. Dude, I “hand dated” a girl once. Ashley Stice…sophomore year of HS. I was definitely the proper stalker, and had many a Spencer monologue rambling in my head, but it was to humor my overtly fantastical imagination…unfortunately, I think your Spence is a bit whacko. Which totally kicks proper ass.I like Ash’s, “see you tomorrow for the walk-by.” Cute. Ashley is gonna get dirty; I can feel it. She’s the bored girlfriend who follows the rules at skool, but likes to sport the whip cream and a pickle during “naughty time.” Or, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

    7. lol I like this almost star-struck/stalker kind of Spencer,and I think i speak for most when i say we wanna know Ashley’s secret haha thanks for the post pms!!!

    8. lol I like this almost star-struck/stalker kind of Spencer,and I think i speak for most when i say we wanna know Ashley’s secret haha thanks for the post pms!!!

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