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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 7)


    “Ooh god…don’t stop…”

    “Tell me how it feels, Ashley”



    It was another real conversation. A quiet one. We had to have a quiet one. It was a must. They are now our favorite. We love our favorites. That’s another thing that we have in common. Her body has enjoyed my lips’ whispers as it is now trembling. I have adjusted her. I know that she is better now. I could not stop adjusting her for the next few hours more. Her heart is so genuine. So melt me genuine. It let me adjust her all night. She is completely mine. My queen. She knows me so well. I know everything about her.


    I can’t you tell how much I loved it. My own heart was singing. Yes, singing. It was. It was. We had a duet as a matter of fact. I wish I could just remember the song. Wait! It was — No, I can’t remember. Maybe this will help. It had the words “doin’ it and doin’ it and doin’ it well”. My heart can be so naughty at times. Who would have ever thought that a rap song could be so fitting? You know him, right? The one with the two L’s in the front. I think. I didn’t get the time when it happened. So that song’s memory was lost. I wonder if she knows how lovely she is when she sleeps in my arms. Her beauty overwhelms me. I know everything about her. She knows everything about me.


    “Good Morning, my love”


    My heart is swooning. I wonder if she knows that whispering in my ear does that to me. Her eyes, her lips, and her heart are towards me. My mouth is begging.


    “Good morning….baby”


    Yes, it’s new. Baby. She has nearly freed me.


    “Spencer, did you want some —”


    If my mouth had a chance to speak, the answer would have been ‘no‘. No breakfast mom. My love and I have been discovered. Yes, just say it. Why didn’t we lock the door? I hadn’t thought about my family much this whole time. Only when my love was screaming last night. It was why the quiet scream was a must. It was. It was. Our passion had replaced our sensibleness. My family. I only had wondered if they would love her too. I wonder if finding us naked in each other’s arms is helping my mother’s heart to see our loveliness and our sparkle.

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    1. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    2. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    3. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

    4. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    5. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    6. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

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