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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 7)


    “Spencer, what the hell are you doing!”


    I guess not. I could see that it was now my turn. Her hand was intertwined with mine under the covers. She loves me so. And I her. My queen was standing beside me. She is my complement, not my supplement. My lips. My lips are toward her ear.


    “I want to tell her that I love you.”


    She has moved our relationship to lovers. So my heart patiently waits for her answer. I feel her squeeze my hand. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her.


    “Mom, I have to tell you something.”


    I glance at my queen as if it‘s not obvious as to what that something is. I can tell that my voice still takes her breath away. My love and I lay there looking at her. Holding each other. Hands intertwined. I wonder if she knows that I would never let our love go. We are both exposed. All eyes are listening. All ears are seeing. Our sparkle is everywhere. The world is paying us attention. My mother’s mouth has become overwhelmed. She has become an Aiden. And I hate him. And her heart is not with him.


    “Spencer, if you are about to tell me, that you are…are. …are…”


    Her mouth has died too. I am almost certain of it. It choked and died just like Aiden. I hate him. Her heart is not with him. My queen has to be thinking the same. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her.


    “Yes, Mom. I love her. I want to be with her. She is my everything.”


    Her jaw has followed in Aiden‘s footsteps. They were both on the ground. I feel like I am repeating myself. Am I? I must be. She doesn’t know how much she loves me. But I do. Her anger has resuscitated her mouth. And so quickly too. It must have had Harvard training.



    “What is this? What! Are you gay now? What did this girl do to you? You freak! There is no way that you can love her! I want her out, right now!”

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    1. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    2. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    3. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

    4. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    5. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    6. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

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