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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 7)


    I wonder if my mother’s anger will grow seeing her snuggle into me tighter. My heart won’t let her go. Her heart is so genuine. It is allowing her not to be afraid. I must remember this. I must. I can’t get the time. Her love has freed me from that.


    My mouth and my mind have begun to fight. They are fighting hard. They are knocking things over. Everything is about to fall out.

    “I love her so. She doesn’t cup my hands when we walk. They are intertwined. She doesn’t keep her eyes open when she hugs me. They are closed. She doesn’t call Aiden or you during her pleasure. She calls my name.  Her love is all that I need.”


    I had done it. My thoughts had reached an untouched surface. Openly crazy in love. My obsession. I mean my love of her had been exposed far beyond the boundary. Don’t worry, my tears are for love. Her heart is so genuine. She is wiping them away. She knows everything about me. She understands my obsession. I mean my love. Her lips. Her lips are on mine. I am kissing her passionately.


    “What are you Spencer! Are you crazy?! Do you know what you’re even saying? You did not just kiss that girl in front of me!”


    I did. This time I knew that it was a statement, not a question. I just responded to agree. I could not stop kissing her. What was that? Of course, I love my mother. I do. I do. I want to love her right now. But I can’t. Who would you choose, your queen or your mother? Hmmm. I bet I know your choice and I’m not even obsessed with you. I mean in love with you. Did you know that crying and kissing are a deadly combination? I felt my body die again. I wonder if she knows how lovely she looks when she stares into my eyes like that. Don’t worry, our tears are for love. Who knew that this was in me? She knew. She knows everything about me.


    I wonder if she notices that when we are afraid that our hearts merge into one.  Our heart was begging and holding on tight.  It did not care what Aiden thought.  It did not care what my mother thought. It  just wanted to stay together with us.


    “Spencer, if you two don’t stop this now…”


    Does she not know that we no longer are two hearts? We are one. Does she know that her authority can’t match that of our love? I can feel her anger again approaching, but this time towards me. She wants to rip our heart apart.


    “Mom! Let go of me!”


    Why does history repeat itself? Why?





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    1. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    2. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    3. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

    4. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    5. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    6. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

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