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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: Oh ho ho!)


    They sat there in comfortable silence, sipping their steaming drinks. Spencer glanced over at Ashley and laughed. The brunette didn’t know why though.


    “Spence, baby, are you ok? You’re kinda laughing for no apparent reason.”


    Spencer nodded. “Yes I’m fine. It’s just that you’ve, uhm…you’ve got whipped cream on your nose.” She continued to giggle while Ashley swiped at her nose.


    “Don’t laugh at me. You’ve got whipped cream on your nose too.” She responded.


    Spencer gave her a confused look. “No I don’t.”


    Ashley grabbed some off the top of her drink and smeared it hap hazardously onto Spencer’s face. Now she was the one laughing while Spencer wiped at the sticky liniment off her face. When she finished, unsuccessfully, cleaning it off she raised her eyebrows.


    “You really shouldn’t have done that.”


    Ashley thought she knew what was coming but answered Spencer anyways. “Oh yeah? Why not?”


    Spencer didn’t reply. Instead she scooped up a dab of the whipped cream and pushed it onto Ashley’s surprised face. Pretty soon a whipped cream war resulted. There was no winner but fun was had by all.


    They leaned into each other and laughed. They went at it for a few minutes before their chuckles subsided. When they stopped, they noticed the position they were in. Neither one of them moved. Arm against arm, hip against hip, leg against leg. They were so close to each other. Ashley raised her arm and smoothed some of the sloppy goop out of Spencer’s hair. They smile softly at each other. Without thinking, Ashley tilted towards the blonde. She laid a gentle kiss on Spencer’s lips and pulled away. Every nerve in her body was thrilling. She was coursing with an unknown energy that took over her. A tiny smile was displayed on her lips. They still felt tingly from their use.


    Spencer was grinning hugely. She leaned over to Ashley and went to kiss her. Ashley smiled back but wouldn’t allow their lips to touch but Spencer was determined. She inclined her head towards Ashley’s again and was rewarded with the same obstacle.


    “Hold still.” She rumbled.


    “On one condition.” Ashley countered.


    “What is it?” Spencer demanded. She was getting impatient.


    “Drink some more coffee.”


    She looked back at the brunette incredulously.


    “Are you serious?”


    “Dead serious. I’m a really sore loser.”


    Spencer sighed. Ashley laughed and reached down for the coffee. She grabbed it and handed it to Spencer. The blonde took a gulp and put it down again.


    “Happy now?” she asked with amusement in her voice.


    “Very.” Ashley said before she pecked Spencer on the lips and stood up.


    “Where are you going?” she asked?


    “To go clean up. I’ll see you for our date tomorrow.” Ashley winked and started towards the door. Spencer jumped up out of her seat and sprinted after Ashley. They both exited at the same time.


    “How can you just do that? How is it possible to just walk away from that?” Spencer asked angrily.


    “I’m not walking away from it. I knew you’d follow me and I didn’t want to do this in Starbucks, in front of some people we don’t know.”


    “This” was pulling Spencer in to a little nook where no one could see them and kissing her enthusiastically. Their tongues clashed fervently and hands were locked in each others hair but just as quickly as the kiss was started, it was ended. They looked at each other passionately but they knew kissing each other for the first time in some street corner wasn’t very appropriate for how they felt. One of the sides of Ashley’s lips curved upwards.


    “We’ll finish this tomorrow after our date.” Ashley promised.


    Spencer nodded and placed a quick tender kiss on Ashley’s lips.


    “Tomorrow. I’ll call you.”


    Reluctantly they parted without looking back. Already the anticipation was building and Ashley knew that the rest of the day would be unbearable. In the end it would be worth it though. If she took it slow now, she wouldn’t fuck this relationship like she had every other. It was worth the sexual frustration. She didn’t know about Spencer though. Was it worth it to her?


    Ashley didn’t know it but it really was worth it to Spencer. She was just down the block thinking the same exact things.

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    1. Ok so I know that I already said that I love ur story but I’m gonna say it again…I love your story. I’ve read almost every single story on here and urs is definitely one of my favorites!!! Hope you feel better and UD soon!!!

    2. Yes dammit Yes! It’s worth it for her! And if the sexual frustration gets any worse I’m gonna explode here. dammit Ash, I hope you know what you’re doing! Love you like… like Summer loves the fluffy kid. This story is caffeinated addiction!

    3. “Hi, I’m Spencer, and I have a caffeine addiction.””that’s a good start, Spencer, admitting is hat we’re here for in the caffeine junkies therapy session.”

    4. ah. i so knew i was cooler than them. seriously…knew it all along. and snaps for you too! *snaps* . i have to say…you and clomle44 are my favorite authors. annnd as far as this post…the frustration better be damn well worth it for spencer. but i know you wouldn’t break them up this soon…(would you? please no. please?) so i can only assume it will get better from here. :] great post

    5. Ok so I know that I already said that I love ur story but I’m gonna say it again…I love your story. I’ve read almost every single story on here and urs is definitely one of my favorites!!! Hope you feel better and UD soon!!!

    6. Yes dammit Yes! It’s worth it for her! And if the sexual frustration gets any worse I’m gonna explode here. dammit Ash, I hope you know what you’re doing! Love you like… like Summer loves the fluffy kid. This story is caffeinated addiction!

    7. “Hi, I’m Spencer, and I have a caffeine addiction.””that’s a good start, Spencer, admitting is hat we’re here for in the caffeine junkies therapy session.”

    8. ah. i so knew i was cooler than them. seriously…knew it all along. and snaps for you too! *snaps* . i have to say…you and clomle44 are my favorite authors. annnd as far as this post…the frustration better be damn well worth it for spencer. but i know you wouldn’t break them up this soon…(would you? please no. please?) so i can only assume it will get better from here. :] great post

    9. i’m glad you cleared up any doubts we might have about spencer, i certainly hope both of them are ready to try each other out… but they’ve been into each other since the first post! i love it. very glad you posted, and your sick! you’re very faithful to us. the consistency makes my day. :)

    10. i’m glad you cleared up any doubts we might have about spencer, i certainly hope both of them are ready to try each other out… but they’ve been into each other since the first post! i love it. very glad you posted, and your sick! you’re very faithful to us. the consistency makes my day. :)

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