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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: The Bet.)

    Ashley grasped the phone in her hand lightly. She was struggling with a decision. Call Spencer now and seem like the desperate needy type or wait and play it out. She truly didn’t know what to do. She flipped open the phone. The keypad glared at her, telling her to type the number in. A raging battle was being held in Ashley’s head and the victor as of now was still undecided. Quickly she slammed to phone closed, only to open it once more. She closed her eyes thinking it might make the decision easier. It didn’t, not really.


    Before she could question herself any further, she punched in a familiar number and waited for the person on the other end to pick up. After 3 rings a husky voice answered.


    “ ‘Lo?” Aiden asked.


    “Hey Aiden, what’s up?” Ashley asked timidly.


    “Ash? That you?” he muttered something under his breath, to lightly for her to hear. “Why are you calling me at…what time is it?”


    “It’s nine, you idiot. I don’t care if you puked you brains out last night and are now a shell of your former stuff. I need you to keep me from calling Spencer.”


    Aiden rubbed his eyes and yawned. “It’s nine? In the morning…Shit. I have to get to work in 30 minutes!”


    “Stay on the line!” Ashley panicked. “Just stay on and keep talking to me, I don’t care if you have to get dressed. This is more important than work.”


    Aiden chuckled as he pulled a pair of pants on. “Fine. But I don’t want to do all the work around here. You talk, I’ll comment.” He ordered.


    “I think Spencer is amazing and all I want to do is call her but…I wonder if she feels the same exact way I do. Maybe my feelings are just more intense. I know that she likes me. I mean, who wouldn’t?” She joked, but then continued. “But I can’t help but think that I’m taking this more seriously. Well…maybe not more seriously, but I…maybe at a slower pace. Ya know? ‘Cos last night I was ready to jump her. Right in front of my doorman too. But I controlled myself, barely. And when I got outta the car this disappointed feeling washed over me but it wasn’t coming from inside of me. I think I felt it coming from Spencer. What do you think?”

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    1. hmm…#1 on the cool list? i’m sure it means nothing except that i was the first name you saw…but i’m allowed to pretend it means you think i’m cooler than them. right? haha. i’ll go ahead and pretend anyway…it makes me feel better :] anyway, awesome post!!!! i love it. especially when i click on the link and find out its FIVE PAGES LONG. makes my day :) really.

    2. Oh my god I can’t believe I’m actually on someone’s cool list… That has to be the first time EVER. I don’t even mind if killheroff is cooler than me. ANyway, story. I liked this line “Spencer expressed her amusement by laughing.” Co you know, Spencer didn’t express her amusement by throwing haddock. That would have been funnier, but probably on ly to me, and where would Spencer get Haddock eh? I loved it. The sweet moment with Sam was perfect. PERFECT. More yo.

    3. *gasp* what a cruel cliffhanger that was. but yeah, I guess a good way of insuring that ppl will read the next post hey? that was awesome. you’re awesome. and apparently I’m cool, thanks for the shoutout :D

    4. hmm…#1 on the cool list? i’m sure it means nothing except that i was the first name you saw…but i’m allowed to pretend it means you think i’m cooler than them. right? haha. i’ll go ahead and pretend anyway…it makes me feel better :] anyway, awesome post!!!! i love it. especially when i click on the link and find out its FIVE PAGES LONG. makes my day :) really.

    5. Oh my god I can’t believe I’m actually on someone’s cool list… That has to be the first time EVER. I don’t even mind if killheroff is cooler than me. ANyway, story. I liked this line “Spencer expressed her amusement by laughing.” Co you know, Spencer didn’t express her amusement by throwing haddock. That would have been funnier, but probably on ly to me, and where would Spencer get Haddock eh? I loved it. The sweet moment with Sam was perfect. PERFECT. More yo.

    6. *gasp* what a cruel cliffhanger that was. but yeah, I guess a good way of insuring that ppl will read the next post hey? that was awesome. you’re awesome. and apparently I’m cool, thanks for the shoutout :D

    7. LOVE IT! I want more immediately, and also want Spencer to lose the bet! I like Sam, which is good, mainly cos he’s not a threat to the Spash relationship, what with him being gay – he seriously reminds me of one of my mates – but he’s also a laugh! anyways, update asap, you! :-D ;-) Jx

    8. LOVE IT! I want more immediately, and also want Spencer to lose the bet! I like Sam, which is good, mainly cos he’s not a threat to the Spash relationship, what with him being gay – he seriously reminds me of one of my mates – but he’s also a laugh! anyways, update asap, you! :-D ;-) Jx

    9. sweet im on the cool list LOL… omg great post!!! it was so sweeeeet.. i really hope that spencer loses aswell.. they need that date!!!! lol pms pleeeease

    10. sweet im on the cool list LOL… omg great post!!! it was so sweeeeet.. i really hope that spencer loses aswell.. they need that date!!!! lol pms pleeeease

    11. aww i’m in the cool list too!! hehhhe i’m so enjoying the cool status, hah. and i love the constant flirting between these two and i do want them to take it slow. this ash is a bit tough to figure out. hmm…

    12. aww i’m in the cool list too!! hehhhe i’m so enjoying the cool status, hah. and i love the constant flirting between these two and i do want them to take it slow. this ash is a bit tough to figure out. hmm…

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