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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: The Meeting)

         "Yeah, lucky us." I was still feeling a little bitter about this whole thing.

         "Aw, Spence. Don’t be that way. As soon as I find Ashley we’ll be having a good time. And did I mention that Ashley is gay?" I knew that he was trying to cheer me up but it wasn’t working.

         "I don’t care if she’s some professed sex symbol. I still don’t want to be here." My whiny side was coming out. I should really try to control that.

         "You’re the one that agreed to come with me. Just try to help me find her."

         "What does she look like?" My voice was dejected. It wasn’t worth the fight.

         "You know what she looks like Spencer."

         "No. I don’t Aiden."

         "Yeah. You do."

         "Seriously, I’ve never seen her."

         "I know that, haven’y I ever told you what she looks like?" He asked.

         I don’t believe him. "Actually, all you ever talk about is what she does and why she’s so amazing. ‘Ashley just wrote a song.’ or ‘Ashley put out an album yesterday’ I’ve never heard you talk about the way she looks. I’ve been wondering lately if she’s a fat cow." That may have been a little harsh but I was cranky.

         "God. Hell no. She’s amazingly hot. She was actually the first girl I ever fell for. I’d say she’s about…5’5", brown hair, and brown eyes. Easy to look at." While saying all that his eyes got all glazed.

         "Aiden snap out of it. Your gonna daydream yourself into a coma if you don’t stop."

         His eyes returned to normal and he shot me a pretend hurt look. He glanced out over the sea of bodies and once again his eyes lit up.

         "There she is."

         I rested my head in my hands, turned in the direction he was looking…and froze. It was the same girl who had been in the drinking contest. And now that I had a proper look at her from the front I realized that Aiden was right. She was really hot.

         "Hey Aidennn," She slurred. "Who’s your friend?"

         I gave her my million dollar smile and answered before he could reply. "Spencer Carlin. You must be Ashley. I saw your little drinking contest going on over there. Did’dya win?"

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