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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: The Meeting)

         Ashley got a twinkle in her eyes, then she surprised me. She climbed into the booth with me and sat on my lap. Holy Crap. Who knew my flirting skills were so good?

         "You bet your asss I won, Spence," she said proudly. How cute, she was already contracting my name. Note to self: Thank Aiden for dragging me to this party.

         "That’s nice." I replied. Next thing I know Ashley was sucking on my neck.

         "Whoa, there tiger! What’re you doing?" She didn’t respond but happily kept going at my neck: kissing, sucking, and licking.

         In desperation I looked at Aiden. He too was concentrating on Ashley kissing my neck although I’m sure for different reasons.

         "What do I do? Do I push her away and tell her to stop?" I asked even though that was probably my least likely plan of action. "Or should I just leave her be?"

         Aiden laughed. "You’re the one who flirted with her. You figure it out, although if you reject her it’ll break her heart."

         "Yeah I flirted with her but you know me. I don’t just make out with anyone on the first date. As much as I enjoy her…attentions, I really think I should stop her or something. Don’t you think I should stop her?"

         "Uh, no! She’s drunk. She won’t remember any of this in the morning. Just let her do her thing. You might as well kiss her back." He said that last part with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

         I sat back and tried not to let Ashley turn me on to much. As much as I wanted to drag her back into a bathroom stall with me, I couldn’t. It was against what I knew was right, although I didn’t see anything wrong with letting her kiss me.





         A few hickeys and 6 shots later I was wondering why I hadn’t let myself kiss Ashley back. Slowly I pulled Ashley away from my neck and looked her in the eyes. She looked dazed and her pupils were dilated with desire. I went to kiss her but was interrupted by Aiden.

         "Spencer, we’ve gotta go."

         "Leave me the hell alone Aiden." I snapped at him and tried again to kiss Ashley. My plan was foiled however when he lifted Ashley out of my lap and onto the other side of the booth.

         "I promised Sam that I’d get you home by 12. You know he has work tomorrow and he can’t be woken up in the middle of the night."

         "To hell with Sam. I want to kiss Ashley." Being my ever-persistent self I crawled over the table and towards Ashley. She expectantly scooted over to make room for me but Aiden, always having to be the bad guy, took me and threw me over his shoulder.

         "As much as I want to see this happen, I do not want to have your very gay roommate be very mad at me when I bring home a very drunk and very horny Spencer. I’ll see you tomorrow Ash." He called to her from over his shoulder. He walked out the door. Carrying me with him. I was left to helplessly watch as Ashley became smaller and smaller.

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