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    She’s The One – (Chapter: I Won’t Accept It)

    "Haley…" Spencer says as she runs her fingers through her girlfriends hair. "I want to come out to my parents…"

    "Really!?" Haley says as she smiles

    "Yeah, my family loves you, and they love me. I feel like they’ll be ok with it." Spencer says with a bit of nervousness in her voice.

    "Well whenever you’re ready i’ll be right by your side babe." Haley says as she kisses Spencers cheek.

    "Good because I want to do it now." Spencer turns and calls out for her parents. "Mom!, Dad!, can you come in here for a second!?"

    Within no time Arthur and Paula were in the room.

    "What is it honey?" Arthur says

    "Mom…Dad….can you sit down please?"

    "Is everything ok?" Paula says worried. Her and Arthur sit down on the couch.

    Spencer turns her face to Haley and smiles as she grabs her hand lovingly. The gesture alone could have told the news to her parents.

    "Haley and I, we’re inlove"

    Spencer notices there is no reaction from her parents and takes her eyes off of Haley to look at them. Blank stares are coming out of both of their eyes. Arthur just seems shocked. But Paula looks as if she’s screaming on the inside. Finally the silence is broken.

    "You’re what!!" Paula shouts as she gets up from the couch walking over to the two.

    "Paula wait, calm down." Arthur says putting is hands on Paula’s shoulders.

    "Get your hands off of me! Did you not just hear what our daughter said!?" Paula says as she pushes Arthur off.

    "Paula please understand" Haley says as she gets up and moves towards the angry mother.


    Paula loses control and grabs Haley by the collar of her shirt and drags her towards the front door. Spencer runs after her mother screaming, "MOM! Please STOP!" Paula ignores the cries and once at the door pulls Haley to her eye-level.

    "Haley. I trusted you, I treated you like a daughter and all this time you’ve been putting some fucking disgusting lesbian curse on my daughter! I don’t ever want to see you again! And don’t dare try to contact my daughter!"

    Paula then pushes Haley out of the door and slams it in her face before Spencer can even get into her arms.


    Spencer fades back into reality laying in bed.


    Her phone begins to ring. She sits up and wipes her eyes, clearing her throat to make her voice sound a little happier. The number on the Caller ID was new.


    "Hello?" Spencer says


    "Hey Spencer, it’s Ashley"

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    1. Doesn’t Spencer realize that Paula is a fucking bitch? You don’t want to come out to her! She takes your gf and throws her out of the house when she finds out. And Ash as a head cheerleader is way funny…*chuckle* Keep postong. I want more. I want Ashley to realize that she’s gay and that she loves Spencer and that Aiden is stupid! We want some Spashley lovin’ and we want it now!

    2. Doesn’t Spencer realize that Paula is a fucking bitch? You don’t want to come out to her! She takes your gf and throws her out of the house when she finds out. And Ash as a head cheerleader is way funny…*chuckle* Keep postong. I want more. I want Ashley to realize that she’s gay and that she loves Spencer and that Aiden is stupid! We want some Spashley lovin’ and we want it now!

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