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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: About Last Night…)


    She continued to stare at her computer screen, not really paying attention to her friends page, but just thinking about her blonde roommate. Yes she was frustrated, but she also knew that her girlfriend was feeling confused and scared. It still didn’t excuse her from accepting an offer for a blind date. And her little coming out thing hadn’t been done while she was sober, so she felt a little gypped. She was shaken from her thoughts by a loud knock on her door. She rolled her eyes, not really in any mood for company, but decided to open the door regardless. She was shocked as two sisters dressed in black robes stood out in the hallway.


    “All right pledge Davies, this is serious. Do not say a word! We need you to come with us right now, no arguing. Grab a sweatshirt and let’s go! This is a test of your loyalty, strength, and knowledge of the sorority. This isn’t a game!” Ashley hurried as she slipped on her shoes and grabbed a sweatshirt. The two girls stood on either side of her and they made their way to the parking lot. A car sat there waiting, and the two girls blindfolded her before putting her in the back seat. She was nervous and was unsure of what to expect. She remained quiet the whole way to wherever they were going. The sisters were whispering back and forth, and it added to her uncertainty. She wished she could at least see where she was going. After about ten minutes, the car came to a stop. Her door was opened, and she was escorted out of the car. One girl held both of her hands as she was led to some location. This had happened before, but she had been with her pledge sisters at the time. When they reached their destination, the girl let go of her hands, and she fiddled with her shirt awaiting instructions.


    “You may remove your blindfold Pledge Davies,” came the president’s voice. She removed it and found that she was in the sorority house with all the lights off and candles all around illuminating the room. She never did understand why everything had to be done in the dark with candles. She guessed it was for the ambiance. Her pledge sisters were close to her and hooded sisters surrounded them.

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    1. Great update! So glad that you posted it. That was really special what Spencer did and took a lot of guts. I really love this story. Post more soon. :D

    2. Great update! So glad that you posted it. That was really special what Spencer did and took a lot of guts. I really love this story. Post more soon. :D

    3. I ran across this fanfic and read it all the way through…It has to be one of my favorites…However, you haven’t updated since March and was wondering if you were going to continue the story? PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!

    4. I ran across this fanfic and read it all the way through…It has to be one of my favorites…However, you haven’t updated since March and was wondering if you were going to continue the story? PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!

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