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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: About Last Night…)


    Nothing happened, and the brunette was starting to get nervous. She glanced around waiting for instructions, and that’s when she noticed that something was off. There were rose petals all over the hardwood floor, and her pledge sisters weren’t standing as close to her. Then, the sisters parted, and on the floor spelled out in small round candles was the word: Formal? Now the brunette was utterly confused. Was one of the sisters asking her to their formal? That would definitely be awkward. A hooded figure stepped out from the crowd and stood before the brunette. “Oh no…this is bad. I’m going to have to turn down a sister in front of the entire house! Why would she do that!?!” The girl removed her hood and Ashley gasped and familiar blue eyes met hers.




    “Will you go to my formal with me?” the blonde asked shyly, but loud enough for everyone to hear her. The older girl was flabbergasted.


    “Wait…how did you…where did you…this is…um…what?” The blonde chuckled in amusement.


    “Well, I wanted you to know that I’m not afraid who knows we’re together. So I talked to the president and sisters of Sigma Mu Omicron, and she said that since we’re dating, that there wouldn’t be a problem having you come to our formal. And then I called up your president and asked if it was okay to set this all up. They were all more than willing to, and since the robes don’t have letters on them, they let me wear it. So, how about it? Will you go to formal with me?” Ashley was left speechless. She was surprised and happy that Spencer went through so much to ask her to formal and to make sure that everyone knew they were dating.


    “Only if you come with me to mine,” she replied with a grin on her face. The blonde threw her arms around her girlfriend and kissed her.


    “I’d be happy to!” All the sisters cheered loudly in approval. They were definitely romantics, and Spencer had just pulled a very cutesy and romantic move. They didn’t care if she was a Sigma Mu Omicron pledge. She had their approval, and they were all happy for Ashley.


    “Damn! Did you really have to go through scaring me like that though?” Ashley asked as she looked at everyone in the room.


    “How else would we have gotten you here?” asked one of the sisters who had picked her up. The two girls kissed again earning them a round of catcalls and whistles. The brunette couldn’t be happier. She was going to formal with the girl she loved, yes loved, and her sisters liked her girlfriend. They were treating her with respect, and nothing could make her happier.

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    1. Great update! So glad that you posted it. That was really special what Spencer did and took a lot of guts. I really love this story. Post more soon. :D

    2. Great update! So glad that you posted it. That was really special what Spencer did and took a lot of guts. I really love this story. Post more soon. :D

    3. I ran across this fanfic and read it all the way through…It has to be one of my favorites…However, you haven’t updated since March and was wondering if you were going to continue the story? PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!

    4. I ran across this fanfic and read it all the way through…It has to be one of my favorites…However, you haven’t updated since March and was wondering if you were going to continue the story? PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!

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