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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Dancing Frees the Mind)


    The blonde put on dark blue low rise jeans, a white spaghetti strap and then a light blue lacy spaghetti strap on top going for the layered look. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, put on hoop earrings and carefully applied her make-up. She slipped on her black Etnies opting for comfort instead of heels, plus she was pretty sure she’d end up drunk and comfortable shoes were better, grabbed her keys, her denim jacket, and waited for Katie to meet up with her in the quad. The other blonde walked up to her and they headed to the part of campus which had the “modern” statue in front. The one that many students speculated was flipping off UCLA. A dark blue Jetta pulled up, and both girls got into the backseat and greeted their sister Mallory and her boyfriend Mark. Spencer stayed silent thinking about Ashley as the others in the car chatted, laughe, and sang along to the various songs.


                Mallory parked about a block away from the party and they all headed to the house. Spencer tried to seem excited so as not to throw anyone off, but it was hard. Katie was studying her pledge sister and it didn’t escape her that her friend was in a weird funk, and she knew exactly why. She wanted to talk to Spencer, but now was definitely not the time. They all made their way into the house and immediately groaned when they heard the song playing. It was, “Don’t Cha” but of course a group of sorority girls had changed the lyrics to fit them.


                “Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was in Alpha Phi! Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don’t cha? Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was all for free!?!” Spencer couldn’t believe that the girls actually put that into their songs. ‘Alpha Phi, all for free. Only they would be stupid enough to think it was cool to put that into a song,’ she thought to herself. She was pretty amused by the nicknames that were given to some of the national sororities. Other than A Phi’s, there was Gamma Phi Beta (Gamma Vibrators) and Alpha Delta Pi (Eighty Pound Thigh or I ate a pie). That was al she had heard though. She was curious if there was one for her sorority, but wasn’t about to go try to find out.

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