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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Dancing Frees the Mind)


                “Ugh! If they’re going to be singing this stupid song, I definitely need some alcohol in my system,” Katie shouted over to Spencer. The other blonde nodded her head and together the two found some hard alcohol and shot glasses. After taking a couple shots, the two headed towards more Sigma O’s and some Kappa Sigs. She was trying to pay attention to what was being said, but she was distracted by the distinct feeling of being watched. She scanned the room and her cerulean blues met angry yet familiar brown ones. She looked away dejected and decided to take a few more shots to try and forget about Ashley and the way she had treated her, at least for the night.


                As the time passed, Spencer became more involved in the conversation and was laughing along with everyone else. She was getting a fair amount of attention from one of the Kappa Sig’s. His name was Matt, and he was sitting fairly close to her. Not everyone was drunk, but it was fair to say they were all at least buzzed. Matt, being a fairly outgoing guy, decided to try his luck with the beautiful blonde sitting next to him. He leaned over and got close to her ear so that she could hear him.


                “Hey, I was wondering if maybe, you’d want to hang out sometime, you know, outside of this party?”


                “You mean like on a date?” the blonde asked somewhat loudly. Everyone in their group turned to look at the two.


                “Uh, yeah, sure…a date, if you want that is.” All the girls were smiling except for Katie. Everyone thought it was what Spencer needed. And what better guy than a Kappa Sigma guy?


                “Actually, I can’t…” Spencer started off slurring slightly. Matt looked slightly defeated.


                “Oh c’mon Spencer! Go out with the guy! Give him a chance!” One of the other Kappa Sigma’s yelled out jovially.


                “Well, I would…” the blonde started off with a small grin, “but I don’t think my girlfriend would be very happy.” Everyone looked slightly confused. Katie buried her head in her hands. This was definitely not the best way to come out. Matt looked putt off by the statement.

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