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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Dancing Frees the Mind)


                “If you don’t wanna go out, just tell me. You don’t have to lie about it.”


                “I’m not lying!” Spencer said sounding mock-insulted. She turned around and looked for her girlfriend. She spotted the brunette who was having a chat with Aiden. “ASHLEY!” She yelled as loud as she could. “ASHLEY!” The brunette who was actually only about ten feet away looked over at the blonde slightly annoyed. She noticed the blonde’s drunken state and frowned. She wanted to ignore the blonde, especially since she was with sisters, but she knew what Spencer was like drunk, and knew that she wouldn’t be able to just ignore her. She walked over and raised an eyebrow. “Would you please verify for everyone that you are my girlfriend.” Okay, so she hadn’t said it like that, but Ashley knew that that’s what the blonde meant. She was shocked that Spencer had used the word ‘girlfriend.’ “You still are my girlfriend, right?” the blonde asked, her lip slightly trembling.


                “Yes!” Ashley affirmed quickly. She knew how fast Spencer could go from happy to depressed when she drank. And she didn’t want to cause the younger girl to cry. She felt awkward having everyone stare at her.


                “That’s so hot!” One of the guys called out causing the rest of the guys to cheer. With that the tension was gone and everyone went back to their conversations. Ashley was about to turn around to leave when she felt a hand on her arm. She looked down at the blonde.


                “I don’t feel well,” Spencer mumbled. Ashley quickly helped her up and shoved her way through the crowd and over to the bathrooms. She pushed her way past the line ignoring the people swearing at her. She threw the door open and kicked out the couple who was making out. They complained, but once she informed them that her blonde companion was about to loose the contents in her stomach, they left. Spencer slid to the floor and leaned against the cabinet. The brunette quickly moved behind her and gently rubbed her back as the blonde reached for the toilet. She scrunched her face as the blonde let everything out. ‘Looks like we got here just in time,’ she thought to herself. Once the younger girl was done, Ashley helped her up.

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