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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Dancing Frees the Mind)


                “C’mon, let’s get you home,” she said gently. The blonde nodded and Ashley had to practically carry her to the car. She buckled her up, and the moment they left, Spencer fell asleep. Getting to their room was a challenge, but the brunette managed. She placed the half conscious girl on the bed, took out some pjs, and struggled to get the blonde out of her party clothes and into something more comfortable. She managed to get Spencer into her underwear and gave up trying to get her to put on the pjs, so she closed the curtains in their room, placed a water bottle and aspirin. She changed into her sleeping attire and slid under the covers next to her girlfriend. Spencer opened one eye and looked straight into Ashley’s.


                “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. The brunette simply kissed her on the forehead and then they both fell asleep.



                Spencer woke up with a pounding headache. She heard an annoying sound and realized it was her phone. It was Katie. “What the hell is up with her calling me every time I have a hang over?” she complained. She silenced her phone and chucked it across the room. She looked down at the sleeping brunette next to her and smiled. Sure they still had a bit to talk about, but at least she was back in their room. She flopped back down and was about to move closer to the brunette when she heard a muffled voice.


                “Drink the water and take the aspirin. You’ll feel better when you wake up later,” Ashley mumbled sleepily. The blonde smiled at how well the older girl was taking care of her, even if she wasn’t very enthralled with the blonde. She obeyed and then realized that all she had on was her boy shorts.


                “Why am I practically naked?” she asked wondering if she had done anything embarrassing.


                “You’re too fat,” the brunette mumbled. “Couldn’t get you into your pajamas. Go back to sleep…” Spencer couldn’t help but smile. She grabbed the wife beater at the foot of the bed, put it on, and got as close to Ashley as she could without touching her. She didn’t want to push her luck. However the brunette turned to her side and pulled Spencer as close to her as she could.


                “Turn over,” she commanded, her eyes still closed. “Your breath smells like ass.” The blonde was slightly mortified and gladly turned away allowing Ashley to wrap herself around the blonde. They both slept for the rest of the afternoon.

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