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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Derby Sing and Date)

                The judges soon returned, and the break was over. Each sorority was silent as they awaited the results. They were teased as the president of Sigma Chi gave thanks to the sororities for their wonderful dances, and congratulated the winners of the coin collection, Omicron Mu Gamma, and the winners of Derby Chase, Sigma Mu Omicron. Obviously the girls were becoming impatient.

                “Third place of tonight’s Derby Sing goes to Omicron Mu Gamma.” Ashley was proud and happily cheered along with her sisters. Third place was good. And it wasn’t the final result of Derby Days. “In second place, and let me just say, this wasn’t easy…we have Sigma Mu Omicron!” Cheers erupted from them as well. Ashley was more disappointed with this outcome. She thought they deserved first. Not that she was biased or anything. “And in first place we have the lovely girls of Gamma Phi Beta!”  Loud shouting, clapping, and hollering could be heard, and in seconds their cheer started.

                “Go go go Gamma Gamma! Go go go Phi Phi! Go go go Beta Beta, GAMMA PHI BETA!”  Ashley frowned at the ridiculously high pitched voices. Then came the announcement of the winners of Derby Days. Needless to say, Sigma Mu Omicron came in first, while Ashley’s sorority followed closely behind. She watched as Spencer jumped and chanted along with her sisters.

                Slowly the hall started to empty out, and Ashley followed suit. Once they were outside, she started to look around for Spencer.

                “Hey, Ashley!” one of her sisters called out. She turned to look at her. “Are you coming with us? We’re all going to go grab something to eat!” said her pledge sister Jen.

                “Oh, no! I’m okay. I actually have plans to grab something to eat with my roommate!” She felt a tap on her shoulder, turned around, and smiled when she saw the beautiful blonde, still wearing what she had worn in the last dance, and with stage make-up on.

                “Are you ready to go?” she asked tilting her head to the side. Ashley was speechless with how beautiful Spencer looked. She noticed the blonde look over her shoulder and then smile at Jen. She walked over and introduced herself as Ashley’s roommate and a Sigma Mu Omicron pledge. Jen had been eyeing her cautiously, but any bad feelings she had about the blonde were washed away when she noticed the other girl’s happy demeanor and sweet personality. Ashley linked her arm with Spencer and said goodbye to Jen as the two started to head back to campus. USC wasn’t far away, so the two girls didn’t mind the walk.


    1. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    2. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

    3. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    4. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

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