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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Derby Sing and Date)


                Spencer and Ashley headed back to the dorms, took showers, and then decided to grab In N Out for dinner. Once back in their room, they decided to watch “Family Stone” which had both girls laughing. It was nice to just be able to relax around each other and forget about school and their sororities, and to just be with each other. Spencer grinned as she noticed that Ashley had tears in her eyes.

                “Aww! Baby, are you crying?” she asked in a teasing voice.

                “What!?! No! I’m definitely not crying!” the brunette objected. “I just…um…I was yawning, and my eyes got watery!”

                “Uh huh…sure!” With that, the brunette tackled the blonde and had her on her back. “Hey! Not fair!”

                “I think it’s only fair I get to tackle you, when you tackled me the other day!” Ashley reasoned.

                “Yeah…but…” before Spencer could finish her sentence, Ashley had shut her up by kissing her. Spencer moaned as Ashley grazed her tongue across her lower lip, and then entered her mouth. Spencer loved the taste of Ashley. There was the strong taste of mint from her toothpaste, as well as the faint taste that belonged to the brunette. Ashley pulled away and started to place kisses along Spencer’s jaw and made her way down to her neck. Although the blonde missed the warmth of Ashley’s lips on hers, she wasn’t about to complain about the attention her neck was receiving. Ashley had rearranged herself so that her thigh was now placed in between her girlfriend’s legs, and Spencer had begun to grind herself on the thigh, causing the girl above her to moan. Ashley then removed Spencer’s shirt, and traced kisses down to her breast and teased the now hard nipples through the black bra Spencer was wearing.

                ‘Hmmm, black bra…does this mean what I think it means?’ the brunette thought to herself. Not really being able to focus on one thought for too long, she undid Spencer’s bra and continued kissing the blonde’s breast while caressing the other. She grinned as the girl below her moaned and held onto the back of Ashley’s head.

                “Ash…Ashley,” Spencer struggled to say through ragged breaths.


    1. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    2. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

    3. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    4. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

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