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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Derby Sing and Date)

                “Tonight’s for you, baby. Don’t worry about me.” Spencer nodded in understanding, but still placed a leg between Ashley’s legs. The brunette couldn’t help herself from grinding against her lover’s leg, and Spencer felt herself closer to release after feeling Ashley’s juices on her thigh. The brunette then decided to press her thumb into Spencer’s clit, and made circular motions while covering Spencer’s mouth with hers. She could tell that the blonde was ready to cum, and didn’t want to give the neighbors too much of a show. Spencer was raking her nails across the brunette’s back, and with a little added pressure, she reached her peak and arched her body into Ashley’s and moaned into her mouth. This reaction also caused Ashley to orgasm. Ashley removed herself from Spencer and fell next to the blonde, both breathing heavily. Once her breathing started to slow down, Ashley took her comforter and placed it around her and her girlfriend. She looked over at Spencer, who in turn looked at her and smiled.

                “That was…incredible!” Spencer replied, causing Ashley to chuckle.

                “I’m glad you think so,” Ashley admitted with a serious undertone. She wanted to make sure it was enough for Spencer. The blonde kissed her lightly on the lips, and then moved as close as she could to Ashley, and wrapped her arms around the brunette and tangled their legs together.  A contented sigh escaped Ashley’s lips as she closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face.


                Spencer awoke in the middle of the night, still wrapped up in Ashley’s arms, which provided to be a problem seeing as how she really needed to use the bathroom. She managed to remove herself from the brunette’s arms, and picked up Ashley’s robe on the floor. She then put on a pair of flip flops, grabbed her keys, and made her way to the restroom. Once she entered the room again, and the door had closed, she thought she could make her way back to Ashley’s bed. However, she hadn’t allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness, so she ended up tripping on who knows what. She was over by Ashley’s desk, and decided to turn on the desk light in order to see where she was going. After flipping the switch, she noticed a small pile of pictures in the far right corner of Ashley’s desk. There was a paper covering half of a picture, but she could make out two brunette heads close together, facing each other. This peaked the blonde’s interest, and took hold of the pictures. Her heart sank as she flipped through the pictures and saw all the pictures that Ashley used to have on her bulletin board; pictures of her kissing various amounts of people. Had she slept with any of them, all of them? Suddenly Ashley’s past was in her hands, and she had no idea how many of them Ashley had been with intimately, and how many of them she claimed to care about. Was she just another notch on Ashley’s bed? Clearly the brunette wasn’t over her past. Why else would she have kept the pictures? Maybe it had just been Ashley’s idea to sleep with the blonde, and once that was over, dump her. She lost feeling in her legs, and she fell to the floor, silent tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. After about five minutes of crying, she realized she had to leave. She quickly took off the robe she was wearing, pausing to quickly allow Ashley’s scent to surround her, and then dropped it to the ground, and changed into some clothes. She reached over to her dresser, grabbed her cell phone and left the room, not bothering to pick up the pictures she had left on the floor. She looked back at the sleeping brunette before slipping out of their room. Once she was outside the dorms, she called a sister to come and pick her up.


    1. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    2. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

    3. Oh my…all that sweet stuff that just happened…and Spence found the pictures…I mean…jesus….that was Ashley’s past…she is jumping to conclusions..when she should have just asked Ashley..i mean…if Ash just wanted sex with her…she would have tried a long time ago…but she waited and continued to wait for Spencer till she was ready…Really good update..PMS

    4. again…spencer…DUMBASS! ashley LOVES you. ashley is IN love with you. god. how can you make your spencers so stupid?! lol i mean honestly?! ughhhh. ash. wake your ass up and go get your girl. this is ridiculous. hell, I’LL go get her and drag her back to your room and make her talk to you. because honestly. there needs to be some talking done.

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