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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Fluffy Stuff!)

                “So now do I get to know where we’re going?”

                “Hmmm, dinner first of course. But you’ll just have to wait to learn about where we’re going afterwards,” she replied mysteriously.

                “Okay, but you better not be taking me to the woods to murder me,” she warned in a joking tone. ‘That was lame,” she thought to herself. But she still saw Ashley smile.

                “Somehow I think that’ll lower my chances for getting a second date with you,” she replied. Her response elicited a giggle from the blonde, causing her to smile.

                After driving around for ten minutes, Ashley pulled into Olive Garden.

                “So, I didn’t know of any high class restaurants that would allow us to wear something casual, so I chose Olive Garden. I hope you don’t mind. I figure most people like pasta anyways,” Ashley said to Spencer.

                “Oh! I love Olive Garden. Good decision.” Surprisingly to both girls, dinner went by smoothly. Their conversation hardly lagged, and when it did, the silence was comfortable, and both girls had no problem getting lost in each other’s eyes. It was a connection that neither one had felt before, and both enjoyed the rush. Once they left the restaurant, Spencer started bouncing around, clearly excited for the upcoming and secret event that Ashley had planned.

                “I’d save that energy if I were you,” the brunette told her. Once again this caused Spencer to be more curious.

                “I wanna know!”

                “You’ll see soon enough!” After driving for 15 minutes, Ashley parked the car. She told Spencer to stay in the car, and ran around as she opened the other girl’s door. She instructed her to close her eyes, and then the brunette placed her hand over Spencer’s eyes. Spencer smiled at the feel of the brunette’s touch., even though she was a little worried. ‘Hmm, where’s that blindfold when you need it?’ she asked to herself. Once they had stopped moving, Ashley removed her hand and instructed Spencer to open her eyes. She let out a gasp as she looked all around. They were in a ware-house type of place with massive amounts of bounce houses! There was an obstacle course, a regular bounce house, a humungous slide, a place to wrestle (they would definitely be trying that one out!) and a round shaped bounce house that looked like it was difficult to stand in.

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