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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Fluffy Stuff!)

                “Wow!” was all Spencer could say. Ashley grinned and grabbed her hand.

                “Let’s go down the slides!”


                After about an hour of playing around like little children, the girls were worn out. They had been running around, jumping around, and having a great time. But they did get a few scrapes, and were hot from all the exercise.

                ‘I’m all hot, sweaty, and roughed up…and haven’t even had sex!’ Spencer thought to herself. ‘Too bad.’ Although in reality, she knew sleeping with Ashley during the first date was not a good idea. She wasn’t sure if she was quite ready for that.

                “Come on Spence, we’ve got one more place to go!” Ashley informed her.

                “Ugh! Ashley! You’ve done so much already! What more is there to do?” They returned to the car, and once again, drove around. Ashley stopped the car at a place known as ‘The Big Chill’ which was a popular spot for most students.

                “I thought some frozen yoghurt would be good to cool us off,” she informed the blonde. ‘Hopefully things will heat back up in the room,’ she said to herself.


                When the two girls arrived to the outside of their room, Ashley told Spencer to wait outside for a minute. As confused as she was, she agreed. The brunette slipped inside, and then went into her closet. She placed something on Spencer’s desk, sat down at her own desk, and called the blonde back in. Spencer gasped as she entered. On her desk were a dozen pink roses, her favorite flower.


                “Oh, some incredibly hot girl stopped by and left those for you. She said something about you being totally hot and not being able to wait for your date.” Spencer laughed as she went to smell the roses. Ashley was playing the part of a roommate.

                “Well, too bad she’s not here!” Spencer exclaimed. “Otherwise we’d definitely be making out right now.” With that, the brunette stood up.

                “I can always take her place!” the blonde girl smiled and made her way over to the other girl. She stopped when she saw the bulletin board behind Ashley. Ashley looked at it with her. Spencer’s jaw was slightly open. All the pictures that Ashley had had up previously were taken down, and the only one up was of her and Ashley sharing their first kiss at the hookah bar.

                “I uh…I took it from Aiden. In typical guy fashion, he got a picture with his phone. I sent it to myself and then deleted it from his phone. But…uh…I…well, I didn’t think any of the other pictures really mattered all too much anymore,” Ashley said somewhat quietly and blushed. “If, if you don’t like it, I can just take it down,” she told Spencer quickly when the other girl hadn’t said anything.

                “NO! I like it! I was just surprised is all. I love it!” She went over and gave the brunette a kiss.

                “I thought we could make it a collage, sort of,” she explained to Spencer.

                “That’s a great idea. Thank you Ashley, tonight was amazing! I would say that I don’t kiss on the first date, but seeing as how we already have, I don’t see any problem in breaking a few of my own rules.” The blonde wrapped her arms around Ashley’s neck and captured her lips. She wasn’t used to being so forward, but something about the brunette lit a fire within her, and she didn’t want to wait for Ashley to make a move. She traced her tongue on the other girl’s lower lip, and Ashley eagerly allowed her entrance. Hands started roaming, and they made their way over the Spencer’s bed. They both pulled away, desperate for air, smiled at each other, then continued to kiss. Before things became too heated, and went too far, they stopped, but both changed into pjs, and Spencer patted her bed, indicating that she wanted Ashley to sleep next to her. The brunette complied, and she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and they fell asleep.

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