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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: PARTY!)


                “Oh I’m going to kill whoever’s calling me!” she growled in frustration. The blonde simply giggled and headed towards Ashley’s computer to turn off the music. The brunette looked at her caller ID and groaned. “What is it Dennison?” she asked in a threatening voice.


                “Just calling to tell you the party tonight starts at 10,” he informed her. She knew she should’ve let him leave her a message. He proceeded to give her directions to the frat house, and she grumpily shut off her phone, not even bothering to say bye to the boy. “Now where were we?” she asked clearly interested in going back to what they had been doing before the interruption. But all she could hear was giggling. “Spencer?”


                “Ashley…why the hell do you have Ashley Tillsdale on your iTunes?” the blonde asked with amusement in her eyes. The older girl scowled.


                “She’s a good singer! And…and I liked High School Musical!” she admitted reluctantly. This caused her girlfriend to erupt into more giggles.


                “Oh wow! Who knew? The badass Ashley Davies likes pop singer Ashley Tillsdale! Well…she does have a pretty name,” Spencer admitted. The brunette rolled her eyes.


                “Meanie…” she said with a pout.


                “Oh!!! Poor baby!” the blonde cooed. “C’mere, I’ll make you feel better!”


                “No! You totally ruined the mood!”


                “In all fairness, I’m pretty sure it was Aiden who ruined the mood. What did he want?”


                “He just called to tell us about the party. You’re coming, right?”


                “Well, not in the way I want to…” the blonde mumbled under her breath causing her girlfriend to raise her eyebrows in clear interest. “But yeah, I’ll be there. We should start getting ready soon,” she said as she looked at the time. Ashley had gotten up and pulled the blonde close to her.


                “Hmm, I think we have some time to spare before we have to start getting ready,” she told the blonde in a husky voice.



                After a few hours of getting ready, both girls stood in front of the full length mirror that was on the back of their dorm room door. They admired their good looks and outfits for the party. The theme was decades, and both girls decided to go with the 40s look. Ashley was wearing brown slacks, a white baby tee, suspenders, and a brown page boy hat. She was definitely only one of the few who could pull off the suspenders look. Spencer was wearing black slacks with white pinstripes, a white wife beater, and a black fedora hat.

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    1. cant say i havent been there before. only i got caught. and it was bad. but then it was a lot more fun. cuz we have to keep the secret going. and then. well. this actually has nothin to do with your fic but DUDE AWESOME UPDATE!!!!!!

    2. cant say i havent been there before. only i got caught. and it was bad. but then it was a lot more fun. cuz we have to keep the secret going. and then. well. this actually has nothin to do with your fic but DUDE AWESOME UPDATE!!!!!!

    3. heheheheheeee. i knew those damn sororities would get involved…they are evil institutions i tell you. made to rip apart beautiful relationships. evil tramps… lol. anyways. ok so basically i’m IN LOVE with you AND this story. because you TOTALLY put ashley tisdale in here and i LOOOOVE her. ANNNNND you put high school musical in here. and i LOOOOOVE that too! i totally watched it yesterday. i got so excited. ahhh. you are BALLIN!

    4. heheheheheeee. i knew those damn sororities would get involved…they are evil institutions i tell you. made to rip apart beautiful relationships. evil tramps… lol. anyways. ok so basically i’m IN LOVE with you AND this story. because you TOTALLY put ashley tisdale in here and i LOOOOVE her. ANNNNND you put high school musical in here. and i LOOOOOVE that too! i totally watched it yesterday. i got so excited. ahhh. you are BALLIN!

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