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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: PARTY!)


                “Damn we look hot!” the brunette exclaimed clearly pleased with their outfits.


    “But Spence, watch out…people are going to be trying to spill their drinks on you.” The blonde looked at her curiously. “Um, you’re wearing a white wife beater, it’s already semi-see through as it is.” The taller girl grabbed her girlfriend by the waist and pressed her body up against the brunette’s, causing her to release a moan.


                “If that happens, I’ll personally let you change my top,” she whispered seductively.


                “Mmm, do we have to go to the party? I’d rather just stay here and have my way with you.”


                “Ash! We just had sex like…three hours ago!”


                “Oh I could go again…as a matter of fact, I can go all night. Here, I’ll prove it to you,” she said hoping to convince the other girl to stay. Spencer simply shook her head and grinned.


                “Sorry, babe. We look too hot to not go to this party!”


                “This is true…”


                “This is very true,” the blonde responded. Both girls were grinning, and headed out of their room to go to the party.



                The music was loud and the bass was booming. Alcohol flowed freely, and everyone was at the beginning stages of being wasted. Guys and girls were grinding against each other, everything was perfect for a college party. The two girls linked arms and headed into the crowd. Both of them saw sorority sisters, and agreed to meet back at the kegs in a half hour after socializing with their sisters.


                A couple shots later, Spencer was happily buzzed as she made her way back to the kegs. Ashley was waiting there with two red plastic cups in her hand and handed one to the blonde. Both toasted each other and chugged the contents. They finished at relatively the same time, and Spencer headed towards a keg.


                “Alchy much?” the brunette asked with a smirk on her face. Her girlfriend winked in response and indicated for Ashley to hand over her cup as well. The older girl acquiesced. Once both cups were filled, the two girls linked their arms and brought their drinks to their mouths. After they were done with those drinks, Ashley grabbed Spencer’s wrist and pulled her out to the dance floor. After dancing for about a half hour, the blonde was feeling a bit tired, so Ashley kicked some guy out of a chair and motioned for Spencer to sit down, which she did. The brunette stood between her girlfriend’s legs and smiled down at her. Blue eyes met brown in a drunken gaze and she pulled her down so Ashley was straddling her hips. The two started making out, forgetting they were in public, and not realizing that they could be seen by strangers, or more importantly, sisters.

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    1. cant say i havent been there before. only i got caught. and it was bad. but then it was a lot more fun. cuz we have to keep the secret going. and then. well. this actually has nothin to do with your fic but DUDE AWESOME UPDATE!!!!!!

    2. cant say i havent been there before. only i got caught. and it was bad. but then it was a lot more fun. cuz we have to keep the secret going. and then. well. this actually has nothin to do with your fic but DUDE AWESOME UPDATE!!!!!!

    3. heheheheheeee. i knew those damn sororities would get involved…they are evil institutions i tell you. made to rip apart beautiful relationships. evil tramps… lol. anyways. ok so basically i’m IN LOVE with you AND this story. because you TOTALLY put ashley tisdale in here and i LOOOOVE her. ANNNNND you put high school musical in here. and i LOOOOOVE that too! i totally watched it yesterday. i got so excited. ahhh. you are BALLIN!

    4. heheheheheeee. i knew those damn sororities would get involved…they are evil institutions i tell you. made to rip apart beautiful relationships. evil tramps… lol. anyways. ok so basically i’m IN LOVE with you AND this story. because you TOTALLY put ashley tisdale in here and i LOOOOVE her. ANNNNND you put high school musical in here. and i LOOOOOVE that too! i totally watched it yesterday. i got so excited. ahhh. you are BALLIN!

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