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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Rivals)

                “Fine! I’ll tell you! Despite the fact that I could sooo hold out longer than you!” she said, causing the blonde to giggle. “Our theme is Halloween!” She was ready to start making out with the hot blonde, but Spencer got off the bed, held out her hand and told her that she was hungry and ready for lunch. “You, Spencer Carlin, are such a damn tease!” The brunette complained in a whiny voice.

                “Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it later!” she replied with a wink.


                Three weeks had quickly passed by for the girls. It was now the week of Derby Days. They spent as much time as they could together, but it was difficult. Despite the fact that they lived in the same room, between school, pledging and dance practices, for Spencer, and working on props and costumes, for Ashley, they barely got to see each other, and when they did, they were always so tired. They did manage to make a few small trips to Starbucks, and made out a few times, but other than that, their schedules were packed.

                “Hey Spence, are you hanging out with your sisters after Derby Sing?” Ashley asked. Derby Sing was on  Friday and was when the sororities performed their dances, Ashley couldn’t quite understand why it was called Derby Sing if they just danced. The two girls were getting ready for bed, and the brunette wanted to reserve time with Spencer after Derby Sing before her sorority did.

                “I think the girls are going out for dinner afterwards, but it’s not mandatory. Why? Got something in mind?” Ashley simply grinned and raised her eyebrows suggestively, causing Spencer to laugh.

                “Of course that’s on your mind!” While Ashley and Spencer had done some heavy making out and groping, it had never gone to having sex. They’d talked about it, and Ashley was aware that Spencer had never been with another woman before, and so she didn’t want to rush into anything that would scare the blonde away. Spencer, on the other hand, felt as though she was ready. Despite only knowing the brunette for a short time period, she felt secure in taking their relationship to the next level. She didn’t believe that Ashley would hurt her, and their passion was intense. Ashley had told her that even though she was experienced when it came to sex, she didn’t want Spencer to feel pressured, and that she would wait as long as she had to until the blonde was ready.

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