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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Rivals)

                “I was thinking about going out to dinner, just the two of us, away from the sororities, away from Aiden, away from the dorms, a nice, quiet, private dinner, and then we could either go out or just come back here and relax,” Ashley stated, breaking the blonde’s thoughts about her.

                “Yeah, okay, that sounds good,” Spencer agreed. Ashley grinned again and made her way over to Spencer and wrapped her arms around the blonde’s waist and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Spencer started to get caught up, but slowly pulled away. The brunette looked at her questioningly “You better get to bed and get some rest, you’re getting your ass kicked tomorrow!” the blonde exclaimed with a smirk and an evil gleam in her eye.

                “That’s what you think, never mess with a local girl,” Ashley responded in a mock-threatening voice. She smirked back at her girlfriend, kissed her again, and then headed back over to her side of the room.

                “You’re so paying for that later! I’m tackling you tomorrow!” Spencer told her before climbing into her bed.

                “Is that a promise?” Ashley asked as she closed her eyes.


                Derby Chase. It was the event all of the sorority girls were looking forward to. Part of the campus was dedicated to this very event. Brothers of Sigma Chi wore hats with their letters on them and were to run around the campus that were within bounds. The girls were then supposed to grab the hats off the guys’ heads and received points for doing so. However, often times, girls would tackle each other to grab the hat from another sorority girl. The girls had to reach the judge’s table with hat in hand to get points. More often than not, things became violent.

                Ashley was with her sisters getting ready. Only six girls were allowed to participate at a time, so the most competitive were chosen. Different sororities were all glaring at each other, but hurling out insults would look bad, so dirty looks were just exchanged. Of course Ashley was too busy eyeing Spencer, who was stretching, to bother with glaring at anyone else. Spencer looked over at her, smiled, and blushed. “You’re goin’ down!” she mouthed to the brunette. Ashley simply grinned and winked at her. The blonde chuckled and shook her head.

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