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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Rivals)

                “All right girls!!!” a loud booming voice yelled. “Let’s get Derby Chase started!” All the sorority girls started whooping and hollering. The Sigma Chi’s all lined up at the edge, and all the girls who were participating spread themselves out , but stayed within eyesight of the guys. The guys all looked weary as about 36 girls eyed them. Suddenly, five brave guys darted out past the safety zone and into the hoards of girls, who all started to run after the guys. Spencer immediately ran towards a guy, aimed for his waist, and tackled him. There was no use in giving him a chance to escape. Ashley stopped her chase as she noticed her girlfriend tackle a guy, grab his hat, and successfully avoided other girls from taking the hat from her. She let out a low whistle. “Damn!” she thought to herself, “that’s either the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, or I should be extremely worried when I get her into bed!” Suddenly, within her peripheral vision, she spotted a guy narrowly escaping another sorority girl. She grinned as she ran up behind him, jumped on his back, causing him to fall. She snatched his hat, and started to run towards the judge’s table. A girl tried to grab the hat from Ashley, but the brunette shoved her out of her way with her shoulder, and didn’t even look back to watch the girl fall. After she returned the hat to the judges, she scanned the area, and noticed that Spencer was far away, but looking at her with desire in her eyes. An idea quickly formulated in her mind, and she started to run towards the blonde. Spencer looked at her with questioning eyes. Ashley started to slow down, and when she got closer to the blonde. Spencer quickly understood what Ashley was up to, and before the brunette could register what was happening, Spencer beat her to it, and tackled the brunette. Ashley let out an “Oomph” as she fell to the ground. Spencer looked at her victoriously.

                “Told ya I would tackle you!” she said triumphantly. Ashley glared up at her.

                “I’m pretty sure it would make more sense if I actually had a hat,” the brunette replied. Spencer was straddling Ashley, and decided that it was the perfect time to grind her hips into the girl underneath her, eliciting a moan. Spencer smiled at the sight of her girlfriend, slightly sweaty, eyes closed, and her shirt had ridden up. Never one to miss an opportunity, Spencer leaned down and whispered, “God, you’re so hot!” in Ashley’s ear, before moving over to her lips and kissing them. This caused both girls to moan, and hands to roam. Ashley quickly pulled away and looked into deep blue eyes.

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