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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Rivals)

                “As hot as this is, and even though I don’t mind voyeurism, I’m pretty sure being caught by a bunch of sorority girls making out with your girlfriend, isn’t quite the best way to come out of the closet,” Ashley reasoned. Spencer blushed but nodded. She got up, and offered a hand to Ashley. She helped the brunette up, and without a word lead the other girl into a nearby hall. “Uh, Spencer, where are we going? We’re in the middle of Derby Chase!” the brunette exclaimed.

                “Oh, I’m not done with you yet. I know there has to be an empty classroom around here somewhere. And don’t tell me you’d rather be tackling a bunch of stinky, sweaty, bloody frat boys and bitchy sorority girls instead of making out with me,” Spencer said as she pulled Ashley closer to her.

                “Hmm, I think I rather enjoy this side of you,” Ashley admitted. The blonde simply smirked, and opened the door to an empty classroom. As soon as they closed the door, Spencer had Ashley up against the door and was kissing her with such desire, Ashley thought she’d die right then and there. Spencer begged entrance into Ashley’s mouth, and Ashley immediately obliged. Their tongues dueled for dominance, and Spencer placed her thigh between Ashley, causing the other girl to grind into her. They both broke away for air, and Spencer started trailing kissed along Ashley’s neck. The brunette was enjoying every second. Spencer wasn’t usually so aggressive, and didn’t know what had caused this reaction, but she was damn happy about it. The blonde bit, licked and sucked at the base of Ashley’s neck, leaving her mark, and moved down to right above Ashley’s breast, leaving a mark there as well. Both girls couldn’t stop moaning, and Ashley brought Spencer back up to kiss her. They both pulled away at the sound of students leaving classrooms and walking out into the hallway.

                “We…should…get…back…out…there…before…anyone…wonders…where….we…are,” Ashley said between gasps. Spencer simply nodded, still unable to say anything. Their passion was intense, and she felt a strong need for release. But losing it to Ashley in a classroom was not exactly what she had in mind for her first time with a girl. After a couple minutes, both girls left the room, not bothering to fix their disheveled looks. People would just assume they’d been tackling others, for hats. They each separated when they left the hall, but not without a smile and a knowing look. Ashley managed to get two more hats for her sorority before the game was over. Unfortunately, Sigma Mu Omicron won by two points.

                “Hey Ashley,” one of the sisters called out. The brunette turned to face the girl. “Looks like you got a bit roughed up,” she said while looking at the marks on Ashley.

                “Uh, yeah. I guess some girls can just be really aggressive,” she said with a smirk. Spencer, who was in earshot, blushed profusely.

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