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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Uh Oh…)




                “I’m just sayin!”



                Thirty five minutes later the two roommates scanned the cafeteria looking for Spencer’s sisters. They soon spotted the two girls and chose the seats across from them. She knew she shouldn’t have, but Ashley felt extremely uncomfortable being surrounded by Sigma O’s. Well, Spencer didn’t make her feel uncomfortable, but the other two did…even if they didn’t know she was in Gamma Mu Omicron. Introductions were made, and Ashley couldn’t help but notice that the girl, Sarah, was staring intently at her. She looked at the girl and raised her eyebrow.


                “Pardon me for staring, but I was thinking, are you in a sorority? Because if you’re not, you should definitely join Sigma Mu Omicron!” Sarah was smiling brightly and sounded upbeat. Ashley shifted uncomfortably in her seat. First off, she wasn’t excited about having to tell the girl, who was indeed a sister and not just a pledge, that she was pledging for ‘the enemy’ and second of all, she didn’t like how they had just met, and the girl was trying to get her to join the sorority without actually knowing her.


                “Actually, I’m pledging Gamma Mu Omicron…” The other girl’s face dropped dramatically.


                “Oh, well…good for you,” it was obvious she was being fake. A tension-filled silence soon followed, and everyone was looking down at their plates.


                “So, Spencer, I saw you at the party the other night,” her pledge sister started to say.


                “Hmm, I must’ve missed you…”


                “Well, actually, you were kinda busy.” Spencer and Ashley immediately looked into the other girl’s eyes, their hearts started to race.


                “Busy doing what?” Spencer asked trying to sound nonchalant.


                “You were making out with some chick. I couldn’t see who it was because her back was to me, but yeah.” All eyes were on Spencer who was turning red.


                “Uh…I, um…”


                “Hey, don’t worry about it,” Sarah interjected. “Drunk make outs happen. When you’re wasted it doesn’t really count. You’re not the only sister sitting at this table to have made out with some chick while being drunk.” The two roommates looked at her in shock.

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    1. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

    2. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

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