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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Uh Oh…)


                “What!?! Nothing wrong with that!”


                “Oh…right, yeah, nothing wrong with drunken making out…” the blonde said nervously.


                “It just means we need to find Spence here a boyfriend,” Sarah declared.


                “Unless we need to find her a girlfriend?” Katie asked cautiously.


                “Um, I’m not really into dating right now,” the blonde said softly. She could feel Ashley tense up beside her. She continued looking down at her plate not wanting to see the brunette’s reaction. The older girl was furious. She didn’t know why. She didn’t want to pressure Spencer into doing something she wasn’t comfortable doing, but at the same time she was hoping that the blonde would be honest and admit that Ashley was her girlfriend. Even mentioning that she was dating someone would’ve been nice. Okay…maybe she was overreacting. Spencer was just put on the spot, and she could’ve just been protecting the both of them. Although the blonde knew Ashley had no problems being out.


                “Well, it’s good that you’re not dating one specific person, but you should enjoy the single life!” Sarah exclaimed. “I know this guy, he’s a pledge for Kappa Sigma. Totally cute, and totally your type.”


                “Oh, well, I’m not into blind dates.”


                “It won’t be a blind date, well not really. But maybe a few of us can go with a few of them to the movies, and maybe you two will click or something.”


                “Um, yeah, sure. Why not…” Okay, now the brunette had had enough. There was no way Spencer could explain herself out of this one. To prevent making things even more awkward by throwing a hissy fit, she stayed throughout lunch, and kept up with the small chit chat. The moment she was done though, she mumbled something along the lines of homework and sorority things she had to finish and hurried off. Spencer watched her girlfriend leave with sad eyes. She was too busy to notice Katie looking at her sadly as well. The girl with light blonde hair and baby blue eyes had actually known upon seeing Ashley, that she was the girl at the party that Spencer was kissing. She hadn’t wanted to embarrass her pledge sister, especially in front of an active sister, so she pretended not to recognize the brunette. She had hoped the other blonde would’ve felt comfortable opening up. She supposed it was harder with Sarah around. Not everyone in the house would be accepting of their relationship. She noticed Spencer’s change in demeanor once Ashley had left. She kept quiet letting Sarah and Katie hold up the conversation, and left a short five minutes after her roommate.

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    1. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

    2. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

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