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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Uh Oh…)



                Spencer tentatively made her way into her room unsure of whether or not Ashley would be there. She peered in and saw the brunette on their bed fuming. She looked at the blonde crossly before getting up to apparently make her way out of the room. Yup…she was pissed. The younger girl quickly stepped into the room and shut the door.




                “Now’s really not a good time to talk to me right now,” the brunette warned in a dangerous voice, one that she had never heard before.


                “Listen, please. I’m sorry! I panicked! I wasn’t sure what to do, what to say.”


                “How about the truth, huh?”


                “Oh right, let me just tell them I’m gay, that’ll go over really well,” the blonde replied somewhat sarcastically. “I’m not ready to come out.”


                “Spencer, this isn’t high school, people aren’t all as bigoted as you may think. I understand not wanting to come out to your family, that’s a bit more challenging. But these girls are your friends, they’re your sisters. If they can’t accept you for who you are, then they aren’t your friends, and they’re certainly not your sisters.”


                “It’s not that easy! Besides, I don’t see you telling your sisters!” the blonde replied defensively.


                “Actually they know.”



                “They know I’m dating a girl. I haven’t said who, but actually Jen figured out a while ago. She’s pretty perceptive. I figured since she knew and didn’t have a problem with it, then no one else would either. Besides, I really wanted to take you to my formal, and since the general rule is we can’t invite girls from other sororities, I explained that I had a girlfriend in another sorority, and they made an exception. They accept me, they accept us. But you not only keep the fact that you’re in a relationship a secret, but you’re willing to go on a date with a guy!?!”


                “I didn’t want them to suspect I guess.”


                “Yeah, well I guess now they’ll never know. Don’t worry, I’ll just go stag to my formal. Wouldn’t want the word to spread around that you’re dating a girl. I wouldn’t want to ruin the wonderful life you have them thinking that you’re leading.” Before Spencer could say anymore, the brunette had left.

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    1. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

    2. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

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