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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Where’s Spencer?)


                Spencer had been having a tough day trying to avoid the brunette. She had had a pledge sister pick her up and then headed over to her apartment. When asked why she needed the SOS so late at night, she just explained that she was having trouble with her roommate, which was truth enough. Of course she hadn’t been able to fall back asleep, and could only continuously think about Ashley and her past. She knew that Ashley hadn’t been one for relationships, and knew that she was more experienced, and that hadn’t bothered her. What bothered her was that she had kept the pictures, that they were out in the open, which meant that the brunette must have been looking at them. And that hurt. Keeping the pictures out to look at, to Spencer, meant that Ashley missed that lifestyle, and that she didn’t want a relationship. What made her so special, so different from any other person the brunette had liked? Why would she want a relationship with Spencer, when she hadn’t wanted to be in relationships before? She just couldn’t understand. Unfortunately, Ashley was her roommate, and Spencer knew she couldn’t avoid her room forever. She just needed time to sort things out, figure out what she wanted to say to the brunette.

                Of course she hadn’t expected to see the brunette all over campus. When she had finally woken up from a very short and restless sleep, she decided to go to the dining commons, and there she was, sitting at a table, scanning the room, no doubt for Spencer. So she had walked right out of the room, and ate at her sister’s apartment. She needed to go to the library, and narrowly missed the brunette. She even went to the Sigma O house, and Ashley walked by seconds later. She had quickly turned around and walked back into the house. She was now stalling as much as she could before she had to return to the dorms. She couldn’t exactly tell her sisters that her roommate was also her girlfriend, and they were having some issues. She sighed as she flipped the t.v. on, waiting for her pledge sis to return from an evening class.

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