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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Where’s Spencer?)


                Ashley sat at a table in the dining commons alone. She looked exhausted and depressed. She didn’t even turn her head as a body sat down next to hers. She knew it wasn’t Spencer.

                “Hey Ash,” Jen, her pledge sister, greeted, “what’s up? You look down.” Ashley looked over at her, gave a weak smile.

                “Hey,” she said softly, not really in the mood to talk to anyone, but also knowing that she couldn’t just ignore Jen. She was a really nice girl.

                “Having problems with Spencer?” she asked quietly, not really certain how the brunette would react to her knowledge of their relationship. Ashley looked at her with wide eyes and her mouth was slightly open.

                “Uh…wait…how do you…um…what?” This reaction caused Jen to laugh.

                “Oh c’mon now Ashley, it’s pretty obvious that you two are seeing each other,” Ashley looked at her skeptically.

                “We’re not that obvious!” she defended.

                “Well, no…I guess not. I suppose I’ve just been more perceptive than most. I can see the way you look at her. You really love her, or at least care for her quite a bit. And I know she feels the same way. Don’t think I didn’t see you completely checking her out during Derby Chase, and not to mention how loudly you were cheering her on at Derby Sing. And the whole time she was on the stage, you were on the edge of your seat.”

                “And you don’t have a problem with it?” Ashley asked completely baffled by how perceptive Jen was.

                “Of course I don’t! I don’t know about everyone else, but I think it’s fair to say that no one would have a problem with you dating another girl. The fact that she’s in Sigma Mu Omicron, I don’t know about that,” she said with a laugh. “I kinda think it’s cute. What with us being rival sororities and all. So what’s going on? You don’t have to tell me, but I might be able to offer some insight.” Ashley nodded her head. With how much Jen had already picked up on, maybe she could shed some light on her whole situation with Spencer. She explained their situation, and Jen proved to be a good listener.

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