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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Where’s Spencer?)

                “Wow, well, I hope you get to talk to her soon. I mean, she can’t exactly avoid the room all together, and I’m sure once you get the chance to explain everything to her, she’ll come around. I don’t have much advice, but don’t let her go.”

                “I don’t plan on it. She’s different from all the others.”

                “Make sure she knows that.”

                “Thanks Jen,” Ashley said gratefully. “I’m going to head back to the dorms. She’s gotta come back sometime.” Jen simply waved a goodbye as Ashley got up and left, hoping that Spencer would be back. She was disappointed when she returned, and there was no sign that she had even been in the room. After a couple hours of waiting, exhaustion caught up with her, and she decided to go to sleep. But to avoid missing the blonde, she went to sleep in Spencer’s bed.


                It was one in the morning by the time Spencer made it back to the dorms. She had avoided going back for as late as she could. Unfortunately, Ashley usually went to sleep late, but she was hoping that the brunette was tired, or was staying somewhere else. She unlocked the door, and then as quietly as she could, opened the door. It was dark inside the room, which meant that Ashley was either gone, or she was sleeping, either way, Spencer didn’t mind. The curtains were open, allowing a bit of light to flow into the room.

                Spencer made her way over to her bed and stopped when she noticed a body lying in it. Upon further investigation, she realized that it was Ashley. Now she was stuck. There was nothing she could do. She couldn’t go to sleep in her bed without waking the brunette, and she sure as hell wasn’t sleeping in Ashley’s bed. Not after the memories of the night before. She scanned the room and debated about sleeping on the floor, but wasn’t to pleased at the idea. She sighed and decided to go onto Myspace, and maybe clear her head a little more. She turned away from the bed and started to walk towards her desk.

                “Don’t leave,” came a soft voice. Spencer turned around and saw Ashley looking at her tentatively.

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