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    Smile – (Chapter: chap 6: They talk.)

    Once inside the apartment, Spencer was quiet and bearly talking. I can’t help but  be scared of the silence. Spencer has never been this quiet around me, If only I could read her mind.. After we had our dinner and little small talk, Madison decided that it was time for her to go.

    I’ve been roaming around, I was looking down at all I see

    Painted faces fill the places I can’t reach

    You know that I could use somebody

    You know that I could use somebody.

    Me: One Sec, Mads I gotta get this. My mom is calling me. ( I walk out of the room, leaving Spencer and Madison alone.)

    Madison: Your not fooling me Spencer.

    Spencer: Excuse me?

    Madison: I know you want Ashley, and I’m not going to let that happen.

    Spencer: Wow! hold up.. What?

    Madison: Oh Please! maybe Ashley doesnt realize it but I can tell the way you look at her.

    Spencer: Even if I did, Madison that is none of your business and I do as I please.

    Madison: All I’m saying Spencer, is just you better watch out. I’m not going to let her go so easily.

    (I walk in to a very pissed off Spencer.. Did I miss something?)

    Me: Is everything okay?

    Madison: Yeah, babe would you care to walk me to my car now?

    Me: uh sure.. yeah.. Is everything okay Spencer.

    Spencer: Yes. I think I’m just going to go call Aiden.

    ( I leave the apartment with Madison)

    Madison: Ashley.. Can I ask you something?

    Me: Anything babe

    Madison: Have you ever had any feelings towards Spencer?

    Me: WHAT?! me? What do you mean?

    Madison: Ashley I can see it, please just tell me the truth and save me from a heartbreak..

    ( I was speechless. There was no way I could answer that. I didn’t even know the answer to that.)

    Me: I.. I.. Maddy.. you don’t have to worry. Spencer is my best friend, I’m not going to lie to you. She owns a special spot in my heart, but as a friend. Besides that’s not an option, she is in love with her boyfriend.

    Madison: Don’t be so sure about that Ash. But I’m going to beleive you, I like you Ash and I want to try to make this work.

    Me: Me too babe, me too

    Now I really wish I knew what I was getting myself into. I cant help but be confused.. the kiss that Spencer and I shared keeps replaying in my mind over and over again.. However, Madison has been nothing but amazing and caring. Why can I just fall for her already?


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