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    Some things are meant to be – (Chapter: Meet me at Gray tonight at 6)

                “Are you going to go talk to her?” Alex asked.

                “No,” Ashley said. “I think we both need some time to cool off and get our heads straight.”

                “I’m going to go to the video store and grab a few movies,” Alex said. “You two just hang out here while I’m gone.”

                “Ok,” Paige said.

                “I’ll be back in a few,” Alex said. She got her keys and left the room.

                Ashley got up and walked over to the window.

                “You’re one of Alex’s ex-girlfriends aren’t you?” Paige asked.

                “Yeah,” Ashley said turning around and facing Paige.

                “She told me about you,” Paige said sitting on the edge of the bed.

                “What did she say?” Ashley asked.

                “She didn’t say much,” Paige said. “Just that your dad is a rock star and your mom is never around. She said she met you when you were with your dad on tour.”

                “Yeah,” Ashley said. “What’s your story? I haven’t heard anything about you.”

                “Lexi broke up with Jay a while ago,” Paige said. “I had to get a job to pay for my ex-boyfriend’s car. I got a job at the Movie Theater. Lexi worked there too. We became close. We went to the Kevin Smith movie premiere together. We had a lot of fun. We danced together. It was great. We went back to her place to get some shoes. I ended up talking to her mom for a while. Her mom went to sleep and we sat and talked for a little while. Her mom and Chad got in a fight. Lexi got in the middle of it. She was thrown into the coffee table. I took her back to my place to make sure she was ok. We were ok. Then she kissed me. I kissed her back but got a little freaked out. We got together the next day and talked about things. I kissed her. Things got a little bad after that. She heard me say she didn’t mean anything to me. It was a complete lie but she didn’t know that. Kevin Smith told me to go talk to her. I was nervous so I stood outside her door for a long time. She ended up coming out because her mom and Chad were making a big deal of Jay being over. I apologized for saying she didn’t mean anything. I told her that she was everything to me.”

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    1. I like the story. I’d like more Spashley, though. Why did the girl’s break up? And why didn’t Ashley called Spencer after talking to Aiden? Spencer came to school in sweats?! Awwww, poor baby.

    2. I like the story. I’d like more Spashley, though. Why did the girl’s break up? And why didn’t Ashley called Spencer after talking to Aiden? Spencer came to school in sweats?! Awwww, poor baby.

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