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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Ask Yourself Why)


                “Someone like me,” she thought to herself. This last though hit her like a ton of bricks. “Shit! No! No, no, no, no!” she exclaimed out loud as she stood up. She shook the sand off of her jeans as she started to pace. “No way, I can’t be…I can’t like her! She’s my best friend! So what if she’s got gorgeous blonde hair, brilliant crulean-blue eyes, one helluva body. So what if she listens patiently to my incessant rambling and makes me laugh no matter what, and she makes me feel like I actually have a future. So what if she’s the best kisser I’ve ever had…oh shit. I’m in love with her.” With this revelation the brunette fall back into the sand and frowned. “Did I really say she’s got cerulean-blue eyes? I don’t think I even realized that was a color. Oh fuck.” Now what to do? After much debating, the brunette decided that she’d keep her revelation to herself. She couldn’t chance ruining her friendship with Spencer. They’d kissed…just once, but things were already awkward. She hoped that after the blonde’s little tryst, they could go back to no more uncomfortable situations, and be just like they had been before. Despite the fact that it was the last thing she wanted to do, she decided that it would be for the better. She would continue on as if nothing had changed. She would keep dating Rachel, or whomever else she happened to think was hot, and she’d allow Spencer to follow through with this ridiculous plan. It couldn’t be that hard, right?



                Ashley’s plan of action was to go see Spencer, apologize to her, and hope that they could just put it all in the past. She’d do her best to help out her friend with the whole Lily thing, because that’s what friends do. She pulled up to the Carlin residence, walked to the door, rang the bell, and patiently waited for someone to answer.


                “I’ve got it!” Ashley grinned as she recognized the beautiful voice. The door opened and Spencer’s eyes lit up for a moment at seeing her, but then quickly turned into a frown remembering their earlier conversation. The brunette looked down attempting her best to look ashamed. “So…did you come here to see me or to watch my welcome mat?” the younger girl asked somewhat annoyed by her friend’s silence. Ashley looked up into her eyes.

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    1. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    2. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    3. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

    4. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

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