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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Ask Yourself Why)


                “Well, I was hoping that if I stared at it long enough, it’d start doing some tricks or something.” The blonde laughed, stepped outside, and then closed the door.


                “What’s up Ash? What’s going on with you?” Ashley took a deep breath before starting her planned speech.


                “Look, Spence, I’m sorry about how much of an ass I’ve been lately. It’s just, I think I’m so used to hogging you and having you all to myself, that I just got jealous that you and Lily are spending more time together. I’m not used to sharing you, and I think some part of me is afraid that you’ll replace me.” The younger girl tilted her head and smiled gently as she looked deep into her friend’s eyes. She could see that there was something else that the older girl was hiding, but she’d accept her speech for now. She would dig later.


                “Ash, you know you never have to worry about me leaving you. There’s no better friend out there for me than you. Lily and I don’t even hang out all that much, and in a couple weeks, we won’t be needing to hang out at all.” The brunette struggled not to frown at the last part, and she offered a weak smile.


                “Well, I’m glad we got that all cleared up. Um, I know I’ve been acting jealous and what not, but I told you I’d help you with the whole Lily situation, so if there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me know. I promise I won’t be all weird or anything.” Spencer laughed and nodded her head. She was glad that Ashley and her were talking again, not that they’d gone very long without talking, but ending conversations in anger had never been her thing, and knew that if the brunette hadn’t come to apologize, then she most certainly would’ve sought out her friend on her own.


                “I was actually on my way to go to the mall. There’s something I want to pick up there. It’s…um…for Lily, so if you wanna join me you can.”


                “Sure, what are you getting?” With that, the blonde blushed and looked away in embarrassment.

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    1. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    2. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    3. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

    4. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

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