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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Ask Yourself Why)


                “Oh…well, you’ll see. I’m actually glad you’ll be there, I kinda need your opinion.” Ashley raised an eyebrow in question. She was definitely interested in what the blonde had up her sleeve.


                “Lemme just go tell my dad we’re heading out and grab my purse.” With that the younger girl dashed inside, and within two minutes was back heading out towards her friend’s car. The brunette had yet to move from her spot on the porch as she allowed herself the pleasure of checking out her friend. “Hey Ash!” the girl immediately looked up and prayed that she hadn’t been caught.



                “You coming?”

                “Yeah!” She made her way to the car. ‘Although clearly not in the way I’d like to be,’ she thought to herself.



                The brunette furrowed her eyebrows as her and Spencer walked through the mall. So far the younger girl had passed up all her favorite trademark stores, and Ashley couldn’t fathom where on Earth the girl wanted to go.


                “Hey, Spence, where are we going?”


                “Oh, you’ll see,” she replied with a wink. Ashley made an audible groan but continued to follow her friend. Suddenly the other girl stopped and Ashley almost ran into her. She looked up at the sign and allowed her eyes to focus in on the store. Her jaw nearly hit the floor.


                “Frederick’s of Hollywood! Spence, are you sure we’re at the right store! This is lingerie!”


                “I know. Trust me, we’re definitely at the right store!” she exclaimed with a grin. Before her companion could say anything else, she dragged her into the store. An assortment of outfits, bras, and panties were on display and the blonde tentatively made her way through the store.


                “You…uh…you want me to…you want me to help you find something to wear?” the brunette asked with a slight squeak in her voice. Spencer suddenly blushed and nodded her head.


                “Yeah, I mean, I’m new to this whole scene. I’ve never had to buy lingerie before, and I mean, you must know what’s sexy and hot, and what’s just down right dirty.”


                “What style are you looking for?” she asked cautiously, not sure if she really wanted an answer.


                “Hot and sexy of course.” Ashley nodded her head and started her search for something sexy, hot, tasteful, and something that she wouldn’t mind seeing the blonde in. After picking out a few things, the two narrowed their choices down, and Spencer finally opted for a black little number which Ashley wished she could see the girl in. The blonde paid for her outfit and then the two headed back to the brunette’s to hang out some more before Spencer had to be home.


                When they arrived in Ashley’s room, Spencer grabbed the girl’s light pink silk robe which was by her bed, and headed towards her huge bathroom. The brunette looked at her in question, but received no answer as to what was going on. Ashley sat on her bed and waited rather impatiently for Spencer to come out so she could ask her what was going on. The younger girl finally emerged wearing only her friend’s robe. Ashley looked simply petrified.


                “Spence…what are you doing?”


                “I want your opinion on the set that I chose.” The brunette tried to swallow the lump in her throat. This was definitely not helping her think of the blonde in a friendly way.


                “I don’t know if…”


                “Oh c’mon Ash, you said you wanted to help! And I need to know if this really is sexy…or if I should go back and find something else.” The older girl simply nodded her head in response. With that, the blonde dropped the robe, and for the second time that night, Ashley’s jaw hit the floor. “Do I look okay?” she asked shyly.


                “Uhh…umm…ye…yes! Wow! Hot! You look…wow!” there was no way she could formulate complete sentences. She let out a small whimper and silently cursed whomever was cruel enough to put her in such a position Spencer Carlin was standing in the middle of her room wearing only her bra and panties, and she couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

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    1. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    2. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    3. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

    4. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

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