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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Know You See It)


                “What the hell do you want Jamison? You know you’re not welcome here.” Aiden growled out. Harsh grey eyes met his light brown eyes.


                “Back off Dennison. I’m here to talk to Spencer, and if she wants me to leave, I’ll leave.” They all looked at Spencer awaiting her decision.


                “What’s up?” she asked. Aiden and Kyla were shocked that she was even talking to Lily considering that Ashley was supposedly her best friend. Lily grinned, stood up, and offered her hand out to the innocent Midwestern girl.


                “Let’s get outta here, I wanna talk to you…alone,” she added with a glare towards the couple. Aiden and Kyla were even more surprised as Spencer took Lily’s hand and excused herself from the table. Once they were out of earshot, Lily stopped and Spencer raised an eyebrow in question.


                “So, what’s going on?” Spencer asked clearly curious as to why Lily took her away from her table. She knew what she wanted to happen, but it didn’t mean that the other girl was actually going to follow through.


                “Listen Spencer, I’m going to be a little blunt here.” This caught the girl’s attention. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out on a date with me…on Friday night. If not, no big deal…” Spencer smiled as she watched the other girl’s eyes dart around, and she looked somewhat nervous. Little did she know that it was all part of Lily’s plan on getting Spencer to agree to go out with her. She had gone over the best ways to approach the girl, and seeming somewhat shy and nervous was definitely the way to go.


                “Actually, that sounds like a good idea.” Lily looked up at her with a shy smile.






                “All right, great. So then, Friday? What’s your number?” Spencer took the other girl’s cell, and made the entry. Lily did the same for her, and soon they were set. “Well then, I’ll give you a call later on, and we can work out the details.”


                “Okay. I’ll talk to you then,” Spencer replied with a smile. Both girls headed off in separate directions happy that they were moving in a step towards their goals.


    1. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

    2. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

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