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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Know You See It)


                Kyla had continued to keep her eye on Spencer throughout her interaction with Lily. She didn’t trust the other girl, and she was immensely curious as to what business she could possibly have with they mild mannered blonde. She didn’t miss the smile on Spencer’s face when the girl made her way back to the lunch table. “Hey, what was that all about?” she asked as the blonde sat down.


                “Oh, nothing.” She replied jovially. Kyla narrowed her eyes in suspicion. The blonde blushed under the intense gaze. “She asked me out, and so…we have a date,” Spencer told her nonchalantly. She didn’t see a point in hiding her date with Lily. She was sure Kyla would find out one way or another. She had absolutely no intention of telling her about her plans to sleep with her.


                “You’re what!?! You’re going on a date with Lily! What’s Ashley going to think about this!?!” Before Spencer could reply, said brunette walked up to the table.


                “What am I going to think about what?” she asked curiously as she took one of Spencer’s cookies. The blonde slapped her hand, but the older girl simply grinned, took a bite of the cookie and winked. Spencer rolled her eyes.


                “You’re lucky I like you. Not too many people can get away with stealing a cookie from me.”


                “It’s cause I’m hot and you know it.”


                “Whatever you say Ash.”         


                “Don’t try and deny it. So…what am I going to think about what?” Ashley never was one to forget something, especially if it had to do with her. Kyla gave Spencer a pointed look.


                “Well, Lily asked me out not too long ago, and I said yes,” Spencer replied in a matter-of-fact tone.


                “Hmm, well that’s good; it’s what you wanted right?”


                “Along those lines.” Now Kyla looked thoroughly confused.


                “Wait…you knew about this? And you don’t have a problem?” Ashley simply shrugged. Kyla shook her head.


                “I don’t understand you two.” She mumbled something under her breath that the other girls didn’t catch, but they simply brushed it off.


    1. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

    2. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

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