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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Know You See It)


                “I…um…well…you know, I kinda have an idea…but…I don’t…never mind,” Ashley said stumbling over her words.


                “What is it?” Spencer inquired, wondering what her friend had in mind. 


                “I was thinking, if you want to know, you could just kiss me. I know we said we’d keep things non-physical, but it would just be platonic, just so you could see what it’s like to kiss a girl, and I could give you some feedback.” The blonde contemplated it for a few moments, and Ashley hoped that she would agree with her feeble excuse to kiss the girl whom she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since her ridiculous idea to sleep with Lily.


                “All right, sure. Strictly for experience, right?” The brunette nodded her head a little too eagerly, but it went unnoticed by her friend. “So…how do we go about doing this? I mean, without it being totally awkward?” Ashley smiled and sat close to Spencer who was very tense. She delicately placed her hand on the other girl’s thigh, causing blue eyes to dart down at the contact. Ashley placed her other hand under the younger girl’s chin and tilted her head up so that they were now facing each other. However, Spencer was still avoiding eye contact.


                “Spence,” the brunette mumbled softly. “Look at me,” she had used such a soft and caring voice that she couldn’t help but meet those honey brown eyes. “Don’t worry about it, just relax,” she assured the younger girl. She didn’t have to say anything because after looking deep into Ashley’s eyes, she felt completely safe and at peace. Her heart rate increased as the brunette moved her hand to cup her cheek and leaned down to kiss her. Spencer’s eyes closed in anticipation of the kiss, and sighed happily the moment soft lips reached hers. The kiss started out soft and tentative until Ashley boldly made a move. She swiped her tongue across the blonde’s lower lip, and was allowed entrance. Their positions changed as Ashley moved the slightly taller girl onto her back, and was now straddling her. Spencer groaned as she felt the brunette massage her tongue with her own, and enjoyed the sensations she was feeling. Unfortunately the two soon broke apart for air. After somewhat catching her breath, and having Ashley roll off of her, Spencer looked at her with wide eyes and tried to find something to say.


                “I…uh…I should go,” she said quickly. All the older girl could do was nod her head, and with that the blonde dashed out of her room.


                When Spencer arrived home, she lied down in her bed and placed her fingers to her lips. Never before had she experienced a kiss like that. It was so sensual, electrifying, and had her craving for more. Suddenly she understood Ashley’s allure. She continued to replay the moment through her head and wondered what it would be like to kiss Lily. She wondered if all kisses were that passionate. She supposed she’d just have to wait to find out. She soon fell into a restless sleep contemplating this new revelation.


    1. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

    2. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

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