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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Need Your Help)

    “Wow…what a very nice way of calling me a prude.”

    “Spence, you know I wasn’t! Seriously, it’s good that you’re waiting. I’d never want you to rush into anything you’re not ready for. The next guy you date had better watch his ass. If he so much as implies that the two of you should have sex before you’re ready, I’ll tie him to the back of a pick up truck and dangle him over a cliff…by his penis.”

    “Ohh, eww Ashley! Do you have to be so vulgar!?!”

    “What!?! I’m just saying! The guy is going to have to go through a pretty tough screening process before I let him date you!”

    “Yeah, yeah, you’ve mentioned this before.” Spencer replied exasperatedly. The two continued to flip through their magazines. “So, got a date tonight?”

    “Um, yeah…probably. One of the last few.”

    “Hmm, how nice.” Ashley looked over at her best friend and raised an eyebrow.

    “Something wrong, Spence?” Blue eyes met brown for a second and then shook her head.

    “No…I just…well…” she said hesitating.

    “What is it?” the older girl prodded.

    “I…umm…I have to tell you something. I know you obviously won’t have a problem with it…but it’s’s kinda hard to say. Lately…I’ve been realizing that…that I like um…girls.” The blonde whispered out the last part, and Ashley had almost missed it.

    “Oh wow, Spence. Umm, when did you start realizing this?”

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    1. Oh God! This is going to prove quite interesting…ten to one…Ashley will teach her some pointers…and they will wind up falling for one another…either that or Ashley will get jealous and try to get Spencer before she gets to Lily…This is going to be awesome…Awesome Update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS…ROCK ON

    2. Oh God! This is going to prove quite interesting…ten to one…Ashley will teach her some pointers…and they will wind up falling for one another…either that or Ashley will get jealous and try to get Spencer before she gets to Lily…This is going to be awesome…Awesome Update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS…ROCK ON

    3. No Spencer, you’re supposed to like Ashley, not Lily. I have a feeling that when Ashley is “showing” her what to do, some unexpected feelings might come up. This should be interesting. Great start.

    4. No Spencer, you’re supposed to like Ashley, not Lily. I have a feeling that when Ashley is “showing” her what to do, some unexpected feelings might come up. This should be interesting. Great start.

    5. omg ok ashley is show her what to do and they r going to fall in love ok i dont kno that for sure but thats what i want to happen ooo and this is so cool my favorite book combined with my favorite show awesome right well i love ur story and plz keep writing pms

    6. omg ok ashley is show her what to do and they r going to fall in love ok i dont kno that for sure but thats what i want to happen ooo and this is so cool my favorite book combined with my favorite show awesome right well i love ur story and plz keep writing pms

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