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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Need Your Help)

    “I know…”


    “Well, I’m not really looking for a long-term thing here. She obviously must be good at being with girls.”

    “You can’t be going after her just to…get things over with!”

    “Ashley, I’ve been thinking about this, okay? Just, let me make my own decisions.” The brunette was huffing and glaring. “Besides, you don’t have any room to say anything. It’s my life, my decision, and if I want my first time to be with her, you can’t really stop me.”

    “Fine, whatever. Go do what it is you want to do with her.”

    “Ashley?” Spencer inquired timidly.

    “What?” she replied losing a bit of her edge. She never could stay angry with the blonde for very long.

    “There’s one more thing…” the brunette cocked an eyebrow. “I’ve…well…I’ve never been with a guy, let alone a girl…” she trailed off.


    “So I was wondering…could you…um…you know, teach me what to do?” The brunette’s head whipped around so fast she was surprised she didn’t get whip lash.

    “You want me to do what!?!”

    “You know…show me how to be with a girl. Well, okay, not show me really, but give me pointers? I mean, show me what to wear and stuff. I really want to be able to get Lily’s attention.” The brunette scowled but nodded her head.

    “I guess…You’ll end up chasing after her regardless of whether or not I help, right?”


    “Okay…I’ll help you. But uhhh…I don’t want to know any intimate details…got it?” The blonde nodded her head. Ashley sighed and rubbed her temples. This was going to be a long couple of weeks. Fortunately Lily was known as a quick love em and leave em type, and Spencer could look extremely hot if she just showed off the right assets. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too much of a painful process.

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    1. Oh God! This is going to prove quite interesting…ten to one…Ashley will teach her some pointers…and they will wind up falling for one another…either that or Ashley will get jealous and try to get Spencer before she gets to Lily…This is going to be awesome…Awesome Update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS…ROCK ON

    2. Oh God! This is going to prove quite interesting…ten to one…Ashley will teach her some pointers…and they will wind up falling for one another…either that or Ashley will get jealous and try to get Spencer before she gets to Lily…This is going to be awesome…Awesome Update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS…ROCK ON

    3. No Spencer, you’re supposed to like Ashley, not Lily. I have a feeling that when Ashley is “showing” her what to do, some unexpected feelings might come up. This should be interesting. Great start.

    4. No Spencer, you’re supposed to like Ashley, not Lily. I have a feeling that when Ashley is “showing” her what to do, some unexpected feelings might come up. This should be interesting. Great start.

    5. omg ok ashley is show her what to do and they r going to fall in love ok i dont kno that for sure but thats what i want to happen ooo and this is so cool my favorite book combined with my favorite show awesome right well i love ur story and plz keep writing pms

    6. omg ok ashley is show her what to do and they r going to fall in love ok i dont kno that for sure but thats what i want to happen ooo and this is so cool my favorite book combined with my favorite show awesome right well i love ur story and plz keep writing pms

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