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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Let’s Get Phsyical!)


                “Was the kiss good?”


                “Yeah.” The conversation should’ve ended there, but Ashley couldn’t help the next question that came from her mouth.


                “Is she a better kisser than me?” The blonde turned quickly to look at her friend.


                “Ash, I don’t think you really need to know the answer to that.”


                “Is there an answer?” She didn’t know why she was pushing the matter so much. It was clearly making her friend uncomfortable. But she desperately wanted to know what the blonde thought.


                “You both have different kissing styles.”


                “Okay…is that good or bad?” Spencer frowned at Ashley’s incessant questioning.


                “It doesn’t matter Ashley. You’re my friend, right?” the brunette nodded in response. “If this is too difficult for you because you and Lily don’t get along, then perhaps you should stop helping me.”


                “No!” the older said all too quickly. While she wasn’t too thrilled with everything, she didn’t want to stop her coaching. Whatever was happening between the two friends had begun with this whole experiment, and Ashley didn’t want to let it go. She wasn’t exactly sure why she was feeling so adamant about it, maybe it was because she felt some inherent need to protect the younger girl, or maybe she was falling for the blonde. She quickly dismissed the idea. Just because Spencer was a great kisser didn’t mean that she was falling for her, right?



                The rest of the week seemed to pass by agonizingly slow for the brunette. She tried to block out the fact that Spencer now spent her time either talking with Lily, or talking about her. It was definitely getting frustrating to say the least. This had caused her to throw herself into her ‘relationship’ with Rachel in attempts to forget her blonde friend. Unfortunately her over affection for Rachel caused the girl to assume that Ashley was truly interested in her, which was not the case.


                As a result of Ashley being distracted with Rachel, Spencer found herself spending more and more time trying not to think of the brunette and why she was feeling so upset over the brunette’s ‘girlfriend.’ In the time that the blonde had been her friend, Ashley had had about ten girlfriends, and never before had she felt so upset as she did with Rachel. Granted, Ashley usually ignored her girlfriends during school and spent most of her time with Spencer. But now it seemed as though she was always with the other girl. And while she and Lily were in the middle of some strange courtship, they were not interested in hanging out at school. They both still had reputations to uphold after this whole ordeal was over.

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