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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Let’s Get Phsyical!)


                The bell signaling the end of break soon rang, and Spencer sighed as she headed towards the school gym. P.E. was the one class that she had with both Lily and Ashley. Oh yeah…things were going to be fun. She made her way into the locker room and started to change. She felt as though she was being watched, and when she turned around, she noticed Ashley quickly look away, while Lily simply winked at her. She felt herself blush, although she knew she shouldn’t have if she was going to be sleeping with the girl. She quickly finished changing and headed out to the gym.


                “All right everyone!” the P.E. teacher, Coach Miller called out. “Today we start a new section! Today is the beginning of self defense! Everyone find a partner! Guys with guys and girls with girls!” You have 30 seconds to find a partner!” Blue eyes met brown and both girls grinned. Despite things being slightly awkward between the two, they’d always partner up whenever possible.


                “This is so lame!” Ashley replied when she reached her friend’s side.


                “Hey, we’re living in L.A. we need to know how to protect ourselves!”

                “Yes, because this will really prevent us from gang shootings and being mugged at knifepoint,” the brunette replied sarcastically. Spencer rolled her eyes but smiled at her friend.


                “All right!” Coach Miller continued on. “Now that you have your partners, let’s start with the first exercise! Face your partners! One of you needs to be the attacker. Approach your partner as if you’re going to assault them. Those who are being attacked, I want you to make a fist with your dominant hand and gently allow your fist to come in contact with the attacker’s temple. Once this happens, the attacker must stop their assault, and you are to switch positions! Got it?” All the student nodded and with the blow of a whistle, began the exercise.


                “Wanna be the attacker?” Ashley asked with a grin.


                “Sure. You are the aggressive one most of the time. Guess it can’t hurt to have a role reversal.” The brunette scowled but stood still as the younger girl made a grab for the girl’s wrist. They switched positions, and after five minutes of practice, the whistle was blown again.

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