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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Let’s Get Phsyical!)


                “Okay, good job everyone! Not too hard right? For this next exercise, the attacker needs to approach from behind. Grab your partner around the waist, not too tightly!” she added sternly as she looked at Aiden and Glen. The two girls snickered.


                “Hmmm, I wonder who’s going to be taken from behind,” Ashley whispered to the blonde causing both girls to laugh loudly. Coach Miller glared at the two girls and cleared her throat. “Now…what you need to do to get out of the situation is to step on the attacker’s foot, and then elbow them in the stomach. Any questions?” None were brought forth, so the exercise commenced. This time Ashley agreed to be the attacker first, and grabbed the blonde from behind. Spencer froze as she felt the older girl’s arms encircle her waist. She felt so content and safe, she almost laughed at the thought of Ashley being the supposed attacker.


                “Spence?” the brunette whispered softly in her ear. Chills went down her spine as the warm breath hit her skin.




                “You’re supposed to defend yourself.” Ashley would’ve been more than happy to keep her friend in her arms, but it would look pretty strange for them to just stand in the middle of the gym and not do anything. The blonde immediately followed the teacher’s instructions, however forgot the little bit about being gentle. She quickly turned around as she heard a loud groan.


                “Oh my God! Ashley! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to actually hurt you!” The smaller girl gave her a weak smile as she was doubled over in pain. Coach Miller immediately rushed over, and after she had assessed that Ashley was going to be fine, she sent her to sit down at the bleachers. “Carlin needs a new partner! Duarte get over here!”


                “Ew! There’s no way I’m touching that dyke!”


                “Fine! Jamison, come here!” Lily grinned mischievously as she approached the now blushing blonde. She chanced a look at Ashley who was now glaring at her from the bleachers. She simply smirked as she placed her arms around the younger girl’s waist. ‘Okay, why aren’t I ever the attacker in this exercise?’ Spencer thought to herself as she felt her body react to Lily’s. After a few minutes, the whistle blew again.


                “Next exercise!” This exercise involved the what-if scenario of the victim ending up on the ground. The attackers were to straddle their ‘victim’. Many complaints were heard around the gym, but Coach Miller told the students that if they wished to pass gym, then they’d have to complete the exercise. Groans erupted all around, but they all followed through. Spencer felt extremely uncomfortable, especially since Ashley was shooting daggers in her direction.


                “So, do you prefer being on top?” Lily asked with a grin. The blonde rolled her eyes, but lied down on the mats that were provided for them. Lily straddled the younger girl’s waist, and Spencer did her best to hold in a groan. While everyone else was quick to get the exercise over with, Spencer found herself getting lost in the grey eyes of her partner. Suddenly quick footsteps were heard racing across the gym. The young blonde looked up just in time to see Ashley storm out of the gym. Before anything could be said, Spencer wiggled her way out from under Lily and quickly chased after her friend before Coach Miller could stop her.

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